Page 29 - The Indian EYE 070122
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   JULY 01, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 29

                    Yuva Hindi Sansthan Wins Prestigious

                                            Fulbright-Hays Award

        OUR BUREAU                        language and culture of modern India
                                          and increase their proficiency.
        New York, NY
                                              A mini-conference will be held in
              he United States Department of   Spring 2023 to showcase the curricu-
              Education awarded this year’s   lum developed by the group.
        Tprestigious Fulbright-Hays Pro-      Ashok Ojha, a journalist and
        gram to NJ based non-profit organiza-  teacher by profession is also the di-
        tion, Yuva Hindi Sansthan. The orga-  rector of the Fulbright-Hays program.
        nization is engaged in teaching Hindi   Ojha  is  a  K-12  certified  teacher  for
        to US born school kids since 2010.  Social Studies content area. He has
            “This is a unique opportunity for   been consistently awarded US Gov-
        educators and students to visit India   ernment grants since 2010 for direct-
        on a study tour for one month and   ing STARTALK Hindi Programs. He
        study the impact of climate change”,   manages  two  non-profit  organiza-
        said Ashok Ojha, YHS program di-  tions, Yuva Hindi Sansthan and Hindi
        rector, who is responsible for conduct-  Sangam  Foundation,  both  dedicat-
        ing this program.                 ed to promotion of Hindi language
            According   to  Ojha,   Ful-  in USA and beyond. A prolific scrip
        bright-Hays Study-Tour Program is   writer and media professional Ashok
        fully funded by the US Dept. of Ed-  produced dozens of Film and Video
        ucation. “We are recruiting twelve   documentaries on socio-cultural top-
        participants from a diverse group of   ics,  such  as,  ‘Tribal  Welfare’,  Girl’s
        teachers, emerging teachers and col-  Education’ and ‘Child Labor’.
        lege students with  a career goal to
        teach Hindi, culture, social sciences,
        environmental sciences and arts at
        elementary, middle, high and commu-
        nity colleges in the U.S. The partici-
        pants will travel to India, study climate
        change and develop K-14 curricula
        for Hindi learners in the USA.”, said
            Ojha and Prof. Gabriela Nik Ilie-
        va, of New York University, will lead
        the study Tour to India for one month
        by end of the year 2022. During the
        one-month study tour participants
        will collect and organize topic-based
        audio,  video  and  textual  materials
        as resources for developing the final
        thematic curriculum documents. this
        material will be used to develop cur-
        riculum documents in Hindi and area
        studies. The Curriculum materials will
        be disseminated in the United States
        in order to support and enhance lan-
        guage learning and teaching.
            Yuva Hindi Sansthan is support-
        ed by a partnership with New York
        University (NYU), University of Tex-
        as at Austin (UTA), Michigan State
        University and Kumaun University,
        Nainital, India. The Consulate Gen-
        eral of India, New York, NY, is also
        supporting the program.
            The program is designed to men-
        tor U.S.-based community and other
        school and college Hindi teachers, and
        college students in education to ex-
        pand their knowledge about the Hindi

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