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BUSINESS EYE JUNE 24, 2022 | The Indian Eye 40
Instagram eyeing TikTok’s Samsung might not release
full-screen experience Galaxy S22 FE version
nstagram is testing the feed’s new A theme that could make the video outh Korean tech giant Sam-
full-screen mode and an updated stand out was tested last month, even sung’s line of Fan Edition (FE)
Inavigation bar, hoping to make though there were still white bars Sphones, which got its start with
content on the platform more discov- present at the top and bottom of the the Galaxy S20 FE, as per new ru-
erable and immersive. The test, which screen. Also, the main navigation bar mours won’t have the Galaxy S22 FE.
Meta spokesperson Seine Kim said at the bottom hasn’t changed much, According to GSM Arena, it
has expanded to a ‘limited number but the company said that it has also looks like the company might be
of people,’ is the company’s latest at- been testing shortcuts for creating ready to shelve its FE smartphones
tempt to compete with TikTok when posts and messages. after just two years. Fans, who want-
it comes to social video. The push to be more like TikTok ed a more affordable option with a
If a user is a part of that group, isn’t just skin-deep either; it is also flagship chipset and weren’t willing to
they’ll be able to see videos almost believed that Meta is making changes spend as much as the normal S series
entirely full screen as they scroll to the algorithms underlying Face- flagships costs, might not like this ru-
through their feed; however, the nav- book and Instagram’s feeds in an at- mour.
igation bar will still appear under- tempt to stay relevant to how young- Samsung has had problems re-
neath them. The description, as well er people use social networks, as per leasing the Galaxy S21 FE, which
as buttons that let a user ‘favourite’ The Verge. came out almost a full year after
or comment on the video, will appear The experimental UI seems to be the other members of the S21 fam- taken by the S22 line which was an-
along the bottom, and the Instagram another thing Instagram is doing to ily launched. At the time, rumours nounced only a few weeks afterwards.
logo and other top buttons will ap- stay competitive with TikTok. Meta claimed this was due to the ongoing Still, this isn’t a good reason to stop
pear floating above the top, reports CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a sto- chip crisis, reported the outlet. releasing FE phones, it’s just a reason
The Verge. The company has previ- ry about the test that photos are “an As per GSM Arena, the S21 FE’s to have them come out with less of a
ously tried full screen with its feed. important part of Instagram”. position in the spotlight was quickly delay after the non-FE models.