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BUSINESS EYE                                                             JUNE 24, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 38

                           How Star India and Viacom18 won

         Rs 48,390 crore contract to take IPL games global

         Director of Reliance Industries Ltd. Nita Ambani said that they have a ‘Mission to take IPL to cricket fans in every part of the world’

        OUR BUREAU
              he  IPL  TV  and  digital  rights
              for  the  2023-2027  cycle  have
        Tbeen  sold  to  Star  India  and
        Viacom18  respectively  for  a  whop-
        ping Rs 48,390 crore for 410 match-
        es  at  e-auctions  on  Tuesday.  IPL  is
        now the second most valued sporting
        league in the world in terms of per
        match value.
           “Since its inception, the IPL has
        been  synonymous  with  growth  and
        today is a red-letter day for India
        Cricket, with Brand IPL touching a
        new high with e-auction resulting in
        INR 48,390 cr value. IPL is now the
        2nd  most  valued  sporting  league  in
        the world in terms of per match val-
        ue!,” BCCI secretary Jay Shah tweet-
            The Package A (of TV) has been
        sold to Star India at Rs 23,575 crore
        which is Rs 57.5 crore per match and
        Package B of Digital Rights as well
        as Package C for selected 18 games
        in digital space for India each season
        has  been  sold  to  Viacom-18  at  Rs   Mumbai Indians owner Nita Ambani with his son Akash Ambani and daughter-in-law Shloka Ambani during an IPL 2022 match between
        23,758.  Reliance-owned  Viacom-18        Lucknow Super Giants and Mumbai Indians, at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai (ANI Photo/ Mumbai Indians Twitter)
        also won Australia, South Africa and
        United Kingdom rights. Times have
        got MENA (Middle East North Af-   every part of the world.’         that  it  is  building  the  digital  plat-  that  package.  IPL  is  an  important
        rica) and the United States and the   “Sports  entertain  us,  inspire  us   forms of the future while continuing   component of our portfolio of tele-
        Rest of the World Rights.         and  bring  us  together.  Cricket  and   to strengthen traditional television   vision channels in India, providing
           “I  am  thrilled  to  announce  that   IPL personify the best of sport and   broadcasting.  It  has  state-of-the-art   an  incredible  opportunity  for  us  to
        STAR INDIA wins India TV rights   the  best  of  India,  which  is  why  we   digital  expertise  to  provide  the  best   showcase The Walt Disney Compa-
        with  their  bid  of  Rs  23,575  crores.  are  proud  to  be  deepening  our  as-  possible user experience to hundreds   ny’s powerful global brands and icon-
        The bid is a direct testimony to the   sociation  with  this  great  game  and   of millions of Indian and global con-  ic storytelling, as well as Disney Star’s
        BCCI’s  organizational  capabilities   this wonderful league. Just like with   sumers.                impressive collection of local original
        despite  two  pandemic  years,”Jay   everything we do, our mission is to   Meanwhile, NP Singh, MD and   content, to millions of viewers in In-
        Shah said.                        take the joyful experience of IPL to   CEO, Sony Pictures Networks India   dia,” said Rebecca Campbell, Chair-
           “Viacom18 bags digital rights with   cricket fans wherever they are - in   said that the company made a rea-  man, International Content and Op-
        its winning bid of Rs 23,758 cr. India   every part of our country and around   sonable  bid  for  the  Indian  Premier   erations, The Walt Disney Company
        has seen a digital revolution and the   the world”, said Nita Ambani accord-  League  (IPL)  media  rights,  consid-  in a statement.
        sector has endless potential. The dig-  ing to an official Viacom18 release on   ering all the expected returns. Sony   “Disney+  Hotstar  has  changed
        ital landscape has changed the way   Wednesday.                     Sports  Network  will  still  broadcast   the way Indians watch their enter-
        cricket is watched. It has been a big   Viacom18 outbid reputed broad-  over 1800 hours of cricket this year   tainment - from favorite locally pro-
        factor in the growth of the game and   casters and digital companies to es-  including India’s tour of England as   duced  original  TV  shows,  to  global
        the Digital India vision,” he added.  tablish itself as a leading digital media,  well  as  popular  T20I  tournaments   blockbuster films, and popular sport-
            The media rights value has grown   entertainment and sports destination.  like  the  Big  Bash  League,  Pakistan   ing events. Last year, Disney+ Hot-
        more than two-and-a-half times than   With its wide reach, strategic tie-ups   Super  League,  Women’s  Big  Bash   star was home to seven of the Top Ten
        what Star India paid in the year 2017.  and increasingly popular content   League and more.           Hindi SVOD entertainment series in
            Following the conclusion of the   bouquet, the digital platforms of Vi-  IPL is now the second most val-  India, and we currently have more
        IPL  media  rights  auction  2022,  Di-  acom18 are gearing up for leadership   ued sporting league in the world in   than  100  local  original  titles  in  our
        rector of Reliance Industries Ltd.  in India as well as with the Indian di-  terms of per match value. “We chose   content pipeline -- with over 80 local
        Nita  Ambani  said  that  they  have  a   aspora globally.          not to proceed with the digital rights   originals slated to premiere this fiscal
        ‘Mission to take IPL to cricket fans in   Viacom18  has  demonstrated   given  the  price  required  to  secure   year,” added the statement.

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