Page 38 - The Indian EYE 061722
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BUSINESS EYE                                                             JUNE 17, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 38

                                                              TECH T@LK

                   Samsung’s brand-new                                       Google Meet for teachers adds feature

         update transforms smart fridge                                         to automatically transcribe lessons

                           into television                                        oogle Meet has received an  ously, Google gave Workspace users
                                                                                  automatic transcription fea-
                                                                                                              two options for creating livestreams.
                                                                            Gture for educators signed up         While one limits the audience
             amsung has announced the re-     Samsung’s latest electronic ven-  to Google’s Workspace for Education  to only 500 people within an organi-
             lease  of  a  new  update  in  the  ture also comes with a unique art   Plus and Teaching and Learning Up-  zation, another gives users the ability
        Scategory of Family Hub refriger-  mode with users of Family Hub get-  grade plans                    to create live stream events for up to
        ators which brings in the Samsung TV  ting access to an application named   According to The Verge, the text-  100,000 people who are a part of the
        Plus, an ad-supported live TV service  Art Gallery which transforms the   based documents should take up less  same Workspace. This update should
        to the fridges. In addition, these tele-  screen of the television device into a   space  than  a  full  recording  for  edu-  give more people the chance to tune
        vision-cum-fridges have a tablet built  form of art.                cators looking to store or share their  in since livestreaming to YouTube
        inside them as well.                  The screen has a plethora of co-  past lessons and may also make it easi-  means anyone can watch (unless the
            The  company  revealed  that  the  lours  and hosts  a bezel-less  design   er to review, search through, and send  video’s made private).
        new update will be launched in July  that helps in blending the art into   lessons to students. Google has also   Outside of Meet, there’s  also a
        on the list of the Family Hub 2.0 mod-  the door of the fridge, reported The   brought polls and Q&A sessions to  new Screencast app that Google has
        els at Bespoke Home’s second annual  Verge. What’s more, fun is that a user   teachers who use Meet to livestream  said is built into ChromeOS as part of
        event on Tuesday, as reported by The  can customize the colour according to   their lessons, potentially opening up  its M103 update. This allows teach-
        Verge. However, the option of live TV  their own preferences. The launch of   more opportunities for interactivity.  ers to record, trim, transcribe, and
        will only be available in Korea and the  this distinctive Art Gallery will not re-  These features were already available  share on-screen lessons while giving
        US. In terms of features, Samsung’s  quire any subscription.        in standard meetings but not during  students the opportunity to re-watch
        smart  fridge users can watch televi-  Apart from the above features,   livestreams.                  lessons from Google Drive and create
        sion on the already attached touch-  the Samsung has also improved the   The company has expanded the  their own videos with the screen-re-
        screen on the fridge. Further, another  fridge’s in-built camera technology   reach of Meet livestreams  as well,  cording tool.
        interesting aspect of the device is that  which enables users to scan the items   because it now allows schools to   As per The Verge, Google noted
        both Amazon’s Alexa accompanied  put inside and suggest relevant reci-  livestream events, like school board  that teachers can also use Screencast to
        by Samsung’s Bixby voice co-habit in  pes on the touchscreen, according to   meetings or assemblies, directly to  draw or write on the video if they’re us-
        the fridge, reported The Verge.   the ingredients those items contain.  YouTube, reported the outlet. Previ-  ing a Chromebook with a touchscreen.

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