Page 36 - The Indian EYE 061722
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BUSINESS EYE                                                             JUNE 17, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 36

                New challenges, new models: Businesses advised

          to tackle impacts of financial crisis, war and Covid-19

         RBI Governor points out that the number of unicorns, or new businesses valued at over $1 billion, is rising very fast

        OUR BUREAU

              usinesses are facing multiple
              challenges posed by shocks
        Bsuch  as  the  global  financial
        crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, and now
        the war in Europe and the success of
        Indian entrepreneurs in the coming
        years will depend on how quickly and
        efficiently they are able to make nec-
        essary adjustments in their business
        models, Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
        Governor Shaktikanta Das said on
           “If Indian businesses aspire to
        remain competitive and attain world-
        class status, it is important that they
        gear up to make the right investments
        sooner than later. I believe the pan-
        demic-induced  changes  in  strategy,
        management, operations and pri-
        orities are going to stay,” Das said
        while addressing ‘iconic week of Aza-   RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das speaks at the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) program in Mumbai on Thursday (ANI)
        di ka Amrit Mahotsav’ celebrations
        organized by the Central Board of   these are things which should always   excessive risks in their balance sheets.  realistic strategic assumptions, par-
        Indirect Taxes and Customs in Mum-  be kept at the back of one’s mind for   RBI  Governor  noted  that  the   ticularly excessive optimism about
        bai. “Therefore, the success of Indian   long  term  sustainability of any busi-  common characteristics of some in-  capabilities, growth opportunities and
        entrepreneurs will depend on how   ness,” he said.                  appropriate business models or strat-  market trends which may lead to poor
        quickly and efficiently they are able to   Das suggested that businesses   egies that are observed include, inap-  strategic decisions that imperil busi-
        make necessary adjustments in their   should avoid having an aggressive   propriate funding structure; building   ness model viability; and over-focus on
        business models,” he said.        short-term reward-seeking culture   asset-liability mismatches which are   business considerations with neglect of
            Das said policy actions taken by   without considering the build-up of   highly risky and not sustainable; un-  risk, control and compliance systems.
        the Government and the Reserve
        Bank since the onset of the pandemic
        in early 2020 have mitigated the disrup-  DATA CENTER CAPACITY SEES A HUGE JUMP
        tive effects of the pandemic while re-
        storing market confidence and ensur-      ata centre capacity in India   ty Data Centre providers. Given the   STT India, are also expanding their
        ing a quick revival in economic activity.  is estimated to post a five-  segment’s potential, in  the  Budget   capacities.
           “Alongside, businesses are going  Dfold  jump  in  the  next  five   2022-23, Finance Minister Nirmala   “In the past few years, there
        through  a  redefining  phase  and  are   years and attract an investment of   Sitharaman granted infrastructure   has been a flurry of investments in
        adapting to the new realities emerg-  around Rs 1.20 lakh crore during   status to the data centre industry.   the data centre segment, resulting
        ing from the pandemic,” he added.  this period, as per a recent report   All these factors ensure that the data   from  the  confluence  of  many  fac-
            RBI Governor pointed out that   by rating agency ICRA.          centre business in India continues to   tors. The favorable regulatory envi-
        the number of unicorns, or new busi-   The Indian data centers in-  boom at a steady rate.            ronment and the push toward the
        nesses valued at over $1 billion, is ris-  dustry has been clocking impres-  Many Indian organizations have   digital economy have been key driv-
        ing very fast. These start-ups are sup-  sive growth for the last five years,   started investing in Indian data cen-  ers for the growth in this segment.
        ported by a new ecosystem of angel   and the coming years are expected   ters to cater to  the increased de-  Pockets such as Navi Mumbai, Hy-
        and venture funding, incubators and   to be even better. Around 3,900-  mand. Both Hiranandani Group and   derabad, Chennai, Bangalore and
        accelerators - as well as new patterns   4,100 MW of capacity is estimated   Adani Group have been making stra-  Noida have gained immensely from
        of consumption in society.         to be added. The sector will attract   tegic moves in the space.   the proliferation of data centers.
           “A word of unsolicited advice to   investment to the tune of Rs 1.05-  There is also significant interest   It is expected that the data
        these young entrepreneurs and start-  1.20 lakh crore, the report said. In   from foreign investors such as Am-  centre market in India will contin-
        ups: they should constantly evaluate   the last few years, large hyper-scal-  azon, EdgeConnex, Microsoft, Cap-  ue to grow at a favorable pace and
        the  build-up  of  risks  and  vulnerabil-  ers like Amazon web services, Goo-  itaLand, and Mantra Group have   will touch $4 billion in the next 3-4
        ities in their businesses. I recognize   gle, Microsoft, Facebook, IBM,   started investing in Indian Data Cen-  years,” said Vinit Dungarwal, Di-
        that many of them may already be   Uber, and Dropbox are outsourc-  tres. Even existing players in the seg-  rector at AMs Project Consultants
        doing it and risk-taking is a part of   ing their storage needs to third par-  ment, such as NTT, CtrlS, Nxtra and   Pvt Ltd.
        their business model, but nonetheless,

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