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NATION                                                                   JUNE 16, 2023  |    The Indian Eye                     8

        With Indus X, India and US make a major move

                 toward defense production & partnership

            USIBC lauds the outcome of talks between US and India as the visit reflects the accelerating

                                convergence between the world’s oldest and largest democracies

        OUR BUREAU

        New Delhi
               S Secretary of Defense Lloyd
               Austin arrived in Delhi this
        Uweek from Singapore. This
        was Austin’s second visit to India since
        March  2021. Terming  the  US-India
        partnership as the “cornerstone” of a
        free and open Indo-Pacific, US Sec-
        retary of Defense Lloyd Austin said
        this week that both countries have a
        unique  role in  preserving  the  rules-
        based international order.
            During his meetings with Nation-
        al Security Advisor Ajit Doval and
        Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, the
        US Secretary exchanged perspectives
        on a range of regional security issues.
        The two countries decided to launch
        negotiations for two crucial agree-
        ments related to the Security of Sup-
        ply Arrangement and a Reciprocal
        Defense Procurement in an effort to
        establish stable supply chains of arms     United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin inspects the Tri-Service Guard of Honor in New Delhi on Monday (ANI)
        and equipment.
            According to Pentagon, Lloyd   He spoke about the establishment of   ington,” he said.            continued progress on tech release
        Austin and Rajnath Singh also     a new roadmap for defense industrial   US-India  Business  Council  under iCET and the startup linkag-
        pledged to review regulatory hurdles   cooperation between India and the   (USIBC) has lauded the outcome of   es created by the INDUS X defense
        impeding closer industry-to-industry   US, which will fast-track high priority   talks between US Secretary of De-  innovation  bridge  will  empower  in-
        cooperation and to initiate negotia-  co-development  and  co-production   fense Lloyd Austin and Defense Min-  dustry to further facilitate India’s
        tions on these agreements.        projects.                         ister Rajnath Singh and said the US   role as a net security provider in the
            Addressing a press conference     US Defense Secretary said that   leader’s visit reflects the accelerating   Indo-Pacific region,” he added.
        after holding wide-ranging talks with   Rajnath Singh and he also spoke   convergence between the world’s   He said the discussions between
        Defense Minister Rajnath Singh,   about Indus X that aims to enable   oldest and largest democracies.  the two sides reinforced the increas-
        Austin said, “I had productive dis-  partnerships between the US and In-  In  a  statement,  USIBC  Pres-  ing importance the US government
        cussions today with Defense Minister   dia in defense innovation sectors.  ident Atul Keshap said the two   is placing on India as a major com-
        Singh and National Security Advisor   “On this visit, I am pleased that   sides had concluded a roadmap for   mercial and defense  partner and
        Doval.  As  the  world’s  two  largest   we have taken new steps to strength-  US-India Defense Industrial Co-  talks continued on tech releasability
        democracies, India and the United   en  our  defense  partnership.  We  es-  operation.  “USIBC  applauds  both   issues between the two sides.
        States play a unique role in preserv-  tablished an ambitious new roadmap   governments for establishing a new   He said that the USIBC wel-
        ing the rules-based international or-  for defense industrial cooperation,   roadmap  for  US-India  defense  in-  comes the Security of Supply Chain
        der that keeps us all secure.”    which  will  fast track  high priority   dustrial cooperation. Our USIBC   Agreement and a reciprocal defense
            He further said, “Since I last   co-development  and  co-production   members  include  the  top  defense   procurement agreement and stressed
        visited India in 2021, our global and   projects and build closer ties between   firms  in  the  world,  producing  so-  that these were major calls from in-
        strategic partnership has continued   our defense industries,” Austin said.  phisticated defense platforms that   dustry during the initial  public-pri-
        to rapidly grow. Today, the US -India   “We look forward to advancing   can enhance Indian and Ameri-  vate consultations under the Initiative
        partnership is a cornerstone of a free   some of those projects during the   can capabilities in border security,   on  Critical  and Emerging Technol-
        and open Indo-Pacific, and our deep-  upcoming visit between our leaders   maritime domain awareness, space   ogies (iCET) launched at the US
        ening bonds show how technological   later this month. We also discussed   situational awareness, and more.   Chamber of Commerce in January.
        innovation and growing military co-  an important new initiative, Indus X,   Such strength helps ensure effective   “These are vital steps in the de-
        operation between two great powers   that aims to jump start partnerships   deterrence in an unsettled geostra-  velopment of our high-trust ecosys-
        can be a force for global good.”  between the US and Indian defense   tegic environment,” Keshap said.  tem that will enable the private sec-
            The US Defense Secretary said   innovation sectors and we’re look-  “Secretary Austin’s visit reflects   tor to be even more ambitious,” he
        that India and US have taken new   ing forward to the formal launch of   the accelerating convergence be-  said. Keshap said USIBC will host
        measures to strengthen the defense   Indus X in conjunction with Prime   tween the world’s oldest and largest   the inaugural Indus X conference on
        partnership between two countries.   Minister Modi’s state visit to Wash-  democracies. We are confident that   June 20, 21 in Washington.

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