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OPINION                                                                  JUNE 16, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 10

          Is Pakistan a Good Choice for

                    Renewal of GSP+ Status?

                  Despite being a signatory to various international conventions related to climate change,
         interfaith harmony, labour rights, human rights and anti-corruption, Pakistan has been notorious for

                                             violating these conventions on day-to-day basis


              ased on the recommendations
              of United Nations Confer-
        Bence on Trade and Develop-
        ment (UNCTAD) in 1971, the Eu-
        ropean Union (EU) launched the
        Generalized System of Preferences
        (GSP) scheme to provide developing
        countries easy access to EU’s large
        market. Developing countries that
        met the GSP criteria were given op-
        portunity to export their products to
        EU on reduced tariffs for a period
        of 10 years. In 2006, a special incen-
        tive arrangement called GSP+ was
        worked out which focused on inter
        alia sustainable development and
        good governance. Unlike the GSP,
        GSP+ provided “more favourable
        tariff treatment for a range of prod-
        ucts originating in those countries
        that meet certain conditions.”
            A major reform was later in-
        troduced in the system of GSP that
        came into force in January 2014. The
        reformed  scheme,  which  preserved
        the general architecture of GSP, now
        composed of three arrangements,              Within a decade of declaring them as non-Muslims, a legal ordinance was brought in to make it a criminal offence
        namely,  General   Arrangements,                                for Ahmadiyas to refer themselves as Muslims (File photo)
        GSP+ Arrangements, and European
        Banking Authority (EBA) Arrange-  kistani goods enjoy Duty Free access   cent during the same period, as the   ing the Application of the Principles
        ments. It provides more incentives   on 66 per cent of EU tariff lines. As   exports grew from 1.05 billion Euros   of the Right to Organize and to Bar-
        and enhances its monitoring to en-  per  the  official  data  of  Pakistan’s   in 2013 to 2.62 billion Euros in 2021.   gain Collectively, No. 98 (1949), and
        sure compliance with the core inter-  Commerce ministry, the bilateral   A careful analysis of the develop-  International Covenant on Civil and
        national conventions. At present, the   trade doubled from 6.9 billion Euros   ments and facts suggest that despite   Political Rights (1966), Pakistan has
        GSP+ beneficiaries include Armenia,   in 2013 to 12.2 billion Euros in 2021,   enjoying  all  the  benefits  of  GSP+   miserably failed to prevent genocidal
        the Plurinational State of Bolivia,   an increase of 78 per cent. Pakistan’s   scheme to the optimum level, Paki-  violence against Shia in general and
        Cabo Verde, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia,   exports  to  EU  increased  from 3.56   stan has not been able to ensure the   Hazara Shias in particular, Ahmadi-
        Pakistan, Paraguay, the Philippines,   billion Euros to 6.64 billion Euros   implementation of all 27 UN Con-  yas and other minorities.
        and Sri Lanka. The GSP+ term for   during the same period.          ventions pertaining to five key areas   Moreover, Pakistan’s predatory
        these countries is ending in December   Apparel and Clothing and Home   including Climate Change, Interfaith   security establishment regularly ha-
        2023, which warrants a critical review   Textile have been the two biggest ben-  Harmony, Labour Rights, Human   rasses and tortures rights activists,
        before EU takes a call on inclusions/  eficiaries of the increased exports, as   Rights, and Anti-Corruption. Out of   especially from Baloch and Pashtun
        exclusions in the upcoming list of ben-  they accounted for 4 per cent and 23   these, 15 conventions are directly re-  communities. In January 2020, Pash-
        eficiaries for 2024-2034.         per cent respectively of the total ex-  lated to core human and labour rights.   tun Tahafuz Movement (PTM)—
            Pakistan, which was given the   ports to EU. There has been 141 per   As regards the Convention on the Pre-  Movement for the Protection of Pash-
        GSP+  status  in  2013,  has  utilized   cent increase in Home Textiles, as the   vention and Punishment of the Crime   tuns—leader Manzoor Pashteen was
        the opportunities offered under the   exports grew from 696 million Euros   of Genocide (1948), Convention con-  arrested by the security forces and
        scheme to strengthen its trade rela-  in 2013 to 1.6 billion Euros in 2021.   cerning Freedom of Association and   charged with inter alia sedition, crim-
        tions with the EU resulting in major   Similarly, Textiles, Apparel & Ho-  Protection of the Right to Organize,   inal conspiracy,  attacking  Pakistan’s
        economic gains to its industries. Pa-  siery witnessed an increase of 150 per   No. 87 (1948), Convention concern-  Continued on next page... >>

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