Page 38 - The Indian EYE 061022
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BUSINESS EYE                                                             JUNE 10, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 38

                                                              TECH T@LK

          YouTube TV app now connects                                                  Xiaomi Mi Band 7 Pro

               to YouTube app on phone                                         might be unveiled with Xiaomi

              ouTube is revealing an intrigu-  phone after starting the YouTube app     12 Ultra smartphone
              ing new feature that might be  on your TV. By the way, they must
        Yquite handy for individuals who  both be logged into the same account.
        have  the  YouTube  app  installed on  You’ll notice an automatic prompt   iaomi had announced the Mi
        their TV. According to GSM Arena,  appear up when you open the phone      Band 7 last week and among
        previously, using your phone to con-  app, and all you have to do now is tap   Xthe upgrades was a larger dis-
        trol that app required going through  Connect. Once you’ve done so, the   play with 25 per cent more viewable
        the cast process, which was cumber-  two applications will be linked and   area and now a tipster suggests that
        some. Also, while this worked when  will always be in sync.         the Mi Band 7 Pro might be unveiled
        you found a video on your phone and   You can use your phone’s key-  alongside the Xiaomi 12 Ultra.
        wanted to watch it on the TV unless  board to search for things to view
        you were casting it, you couldn’t ob-  on TV, you can comment on a video   According to GSM Arena, the Mi
        tain details about the presently play-  you’re presently watching on TV, or   Band 7’s display also has an Al-
        ing video on the TV on your phone  you can check the description of a film
        automatically. The new functionality,  you’re watching on TV on your phone.  ways On mode though it won’t
        which is available starting today, al-  The deployment may take some   have a built-in GPS. A leakster has
        lows you to easily connect your TV’s  time, as with anything Google-relat-  stated that Xiaomi will reportedly
        YouTube app to your iPhone or An-  ed. It’s unclear whether this will be                                 But something similar to the
        droid phone’s YouTube app, elimi-  a server-side rollout or if you’ll need   unveil the Mi Band 7 Pro along-  Redmi band is likely, like a larger
        nating the need for casting. It’s also  to upgrade the YouTube app on your   side the Xiaomi 12 Ultra. So far  display, GPS and a bigger battery to
        a full sync, which means you’ll always  phone, but you should have this new   none of the leaks have detailed   feed all that.
        get information about the video play-  functionality shortly. And YouTube is                             As per GSM Arena, The Xiaomi
        ing on your TV in the YouTube app  already working on additional proj-  what the ‘Pro’ version might bring   12 Ultra will be unveiled in July. It is
        on your phone. This is the way how it  ects involving interactivity in the liv-  over the vanilla band.   the company’s first product from its
        works, open the YouTube app on your  ing room.                                                        partnership with Leica.

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