Page 36 - The Indian EYE 061022
P. 36

BUSINESS EYE                                                             JUNE 10, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 36

                      US or China: Who is India’s

                            biggest trading partner?

             India’s trade deficit soared to record $23. 3 billion in May as export growth slowed to

                         15-month low, while imports zoomed on high oil & commodity prices

        OUR BUREAU
              he latest trade figures for the
              financial  year  2021-22  (FY
        T2022) suggest that the US
        has surpassed China to become In-
        dia’s  top  trading  partner,  reflecting
        strengthening economic ties between
        the two countries. It also hints at In-
        dia’s warming relations with the US.
        India recently became a member of
        the  Indo-Pacific  Economic  Frame-
        work (IPEF) and the US- and WEF-
        led First Movers Coalition.
            Previously, China was India’s
        top trade partner from FY 2014 to
        FY 2018 and again in FY 2021 while
        the UAE was India’s largest trading
        partner in the intervening years.
            As per data released by the Min-
        istry of  Commerce,  bilateral  trade
        between India and the US in FY
        2022 stood at US$119.42 billion, ac-
        counting for 11.5 percent of India’s   Union Minister for Commerce and Industry Piyush Goyal with United Arab Emirates’s Minister of Economy Abdulla bin Touq Al Marri
        total trade, which stood at US$1.03
        trillion.  India-US  bilateral  trade   lion as compared to US$86.4 billion   commerce  ministry  official,  who   commodity prices. Preliminary data
        has witnessed considerable upsurge   in  the  previous  fiscal  (FY  2021),  wished to not be named.  released by the commerce depart-
        compared to the US$80.51 billion re-  when China was India’s largest trad-  The figures released by the min-  ment showed that in May exports
        corded just the previous year.    ing partner.                      istry show that the US beat Beijing as   grew 15. 5% to $37. 3 billion, the
            India’s exports to the US in-     During FY 2022, exports to Chi-  India’s top trading partner in FY22   most sluggish pace of expansion since
        creased to US$76.11 billion in FY   na rose to US$21.25 billion, marking  — the India-US bilateral trade was   February 2021. In contrast, imports
        2022, compared to US$51.62 billion   a slight increase from US$21.18 bil-  $119.42 billion and the India-China   shot up over 56% to $60. 6 billion,
        in FY 2021, while imports increased   lion in FY 2021. Simultaneously, im-  bilateral trade was $115.42 billion.  marking only the second time that
        to US$43.31 billion compared to   ports too registered a considerable   Chinese  spokesperson  Zhao  Li-  the value of shipments into the coun-
        US$29 billion in the previous fiscal.  increase, soaring to US$94.16 bil-  jian contested the data during a press   try has gone past the $60-billion lev-
            India maintained a positive trade   lion from about US$65.21 billion in   conference on 31 May. “According to   el after $60. 7 billion in March 2022.
        balance with the US, recording a   FY 2021. According to the data, the   the statistics of Chinese competent   While oil imports rose al-
        surplus trade of US$32.79 billion. In   trade gap between India and China   authorities, bilateral trade volume   most 92% to $18. 1 billion — ac-
        fact, as per the statistics, among In-  in FY 2022 rose to US$72.91 billion   between China and India stood at   counting for almost 30% of the
        dia’s top 10 trading partners, the US   from US$44 billion in FY 2021.  $125.66 billion in 2021. On that basis,  goods shipped into the country in
        is the only country with which India   Now, the Indian commerce     China remains India’s largest trading   May — gold was the other major
        has a positive trade balance. The   ministry  has rejected  Beijing’s  con-  partner.” He added that the “dispari-  driver,  jumping 8.  6 times to $5. 8
        other top trading partners include   tention that China is India’s largest   ty in trade figures published by China   billion to emerge as the second
        UAE (US$72.9 billion), Saudi Arab   trading partner and not the US as   and India is a result of different sta-  largest item  in  the  import  basket.
        (US$42.85 billion), Iraq (US$34.33   the ministry’s data published over   tistical measurement scales”.   Besides, coal imports soared
        billion0, Singapore (US$30.10 billion),  the weekend showed.            The figure he quoted — $125.66   three times from just un- der $2 bil-
        Hong Kong (US$30.08 billion), etc.   “We have a very robust data    billion — is based on the calendar   lion in May 2021 to $5. 3 billion last
            According to the data, China   system and abide by international   year 2021, not the financial year.  month. As prices soared, its share of
        emerged  as India’s second largest   norms on data neutrality and data   Meanwhile, it has been reported   India’s imports was just a little lower
        trading partner in FY 2022, regis-  sanctity. Therefore, there’s no scope   that  India’s  trade  deficit  soared  to   than electronics ($5. 4 billion). Price
        tering 11.12 percent of India’s total   for any  kind of  manipulation.  The   record $23. 3 billion in May as ex-  of crude petroleum, coal and gold
        trade. India’s bilateral trade with   Chinese, on the other hand, operate   port growth slowed to 15-month low,  went  up  significantly  after  Russia’s
        China amounted to US$115.42 bil-  in an opaque manner,” said a senior   while imports zoomed on high oil &   invasion of Ukraine.

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