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BIG STORY                                                                    JUNE 04, 2021  |     The Indian Eye                          9

                       Help break Corona's grip on India

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                       "I started working with GiveIndia when the pandemic first

                       broke a year ago...people should have confidence that the

                             money will be used immediately to help somebody"

                                                                  Vinod Khosla

                                                         businessman & venture capitalist

        tutional.                            experts around the world have  minister  of  electronics  and  in- which  of  them  has  the  upper
            Suing India’s government  consistently argued that a re- formation technology, said in a  hand. Australia and the Europe-
        is a highly unusual step by  quirement to ‘trace’ private  statement late Wednesday that  an Union have drafted or passed
        WhatsApp, which has rarely  messages would break end-to- the government would protect  laws to limit the power of Goo-
        engaged with national govern- end encryption and lead to real  Indians’ right to privacy up to a  gle, Facebook and other compa-
        ments in court. But the service  abuse,” a WhatsApp spokes- point, but that “it is also the re- nies over online speech, while
        said that making its messages  man said. “WhatsApp is com- sponsibility  of  the  government  other countries are trying to rein
        traceable  “would  severely  un- mitted to protecting the privacy  to maintain law and order and  in the companies’ services to sti-
        dermine the privacy of billions  of  people’s  personal  messages  ensure national security.”                 fle dissent and squash protests.
        of  people  who  communicate  and we will continue to do all                 The  lawsuit  is  part  of  a  China has recently warned some
        digitally” and effectively impair  we can within the laws of India  broadening battle between the  of its biggest internet companies
        its security.                        to do so.”                          biggest tech companies and gov- against engaging in anticompeti-
            “Civil society and technical        Ravi Shankar Prasad, India’s  ernments around the world over  tive practices.

                                                               www.TheIndianEYE .com
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