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P. 20
Op-Ed JUNE 04, 2021 | The Indian Eye 20
printing money,
pandemic and other problems
views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media
rinting money in de- roads, pipes, wires, buses. But
mand-constrained econo- water pipes don’t ensure 24×7
Pmies, where factories are water supply; electric wires
producing below capacity, can don’t mean reliable electricity;
lower prices instead of causing buses don’t create an effective
inflation. The RBI’s data tells us transport system.”
that in the quarter ending De- gurcharan das,
cember 2020, Indian companies The Times of India
have been producing at two-
thirds their capacity. During the china’s strategy
lockdown last year, their capaci-
ty utilization was just 47 percent. hina considers itself to be
Chances are that we are back to a superior power and will
those levels during the second Cnot allow India to be an
equal competitor unless India is
wave. Compare that to the ‘pol- able to increase its Comprehen-
icy paralysis’ days of 2013, when sive National Power (CNP) to
India’s factories operated at 74
percent capacity. a level of what Beijing has vis-
One could ask what would a-vis the US today. Since India
happen if too much money is was perceived by China to be
punching above its weight with-
printed? What if the total de- concerns that are seen to divert out the economic and military
mand goes beyond what our attention and resources from ei- the virus issue oomph, it decided to cut India
economy can supply, even if it ther public health or problems ovid will be gone one day. down to size. This, in simplest
is running at full capacity? Even
that is good, because it will that have arisen because of the But the citizen’s day-to- terms, along with the immedi-
end up stimulating investment. exceptional circumstances. Cday misery, coping with ate provocation of India devel-
Even the abrupt cancellation rotten institutions, will remain. oping border infrastructure in
When a factory sees growing of the Indian Premier League, If BJP wants to redeem some of sensitive areas, was the reason
demand for its products, it first which provided many Indians its lost shine before 2024, it must for its preemptive offensive
increases the number of shifts with a much-needed distraction focus on reforming some of our manoeuvre in Eastern Ladakh.
and runs its machines for longer from a dangerous world outside, shoddiest institutions. Before To achieve its political aim
to produce more. At the same
time, the management draws up was greeted with an astonishing Covid 2 struck, the FM had of cutting India down to size, it
expansion plans. It takes loans, silence. In the fractious world of proposed an inspiring Union restricted its military aim to pre-
orders new machines and be- politics, there was a visible irrita- Budget that focused on job-cre- emptively secure un-held stra-
tion, even among the chattering ating growth via infrastructure tegic areas up to its 1959 Claim
gins looking for new hires. That classes that love periodic bouts spending. Joe Biden, the US Line, except in the Indus Valley.
is something that has been miss- of politician-bashing, at the ker- president, followed suit with a These intrusions make large
ing in India for almost a decade
now. Printing money can not fuffle in Calcutta over the Cen- similar strategy in his stimulus areas militarily untenable for
only stimulate demand, increase tral Bureau of Investigation’s package. Both recognized the India in a war, and thus would
output and reduce inflation, but ‘arrest’ of four politicians caught best road to recovery from the prevent development of infra-
on camera in 2016 accepting Covid crisis was infrastructure structure that threatens China.
also stoke future investments.” cash from a person claiming to investment, which is a multipli- It did not want to start a war
aunindyo chakravarty, be a corporate fixer. er, stimulating the private sector and securing territory was not
NDTV This impatience was also in to invest, creating jobs, boosting its aim because.”
the virus issue evidence in the world outside consumption. lt gen h s panag (retd),
social media addicts over the Unfortunately, infrastruc- The Print
he grim challenges of the Congress’s alleged toolkit to de- ture spending in India doesn’t
Covid-19 pandemic have fame the Narendra Modi gov- deliver the full bang because Every week, we look at what
Treduced, if not killed, the ernment over its handling of the it is executed via leaky govern- the top commentators in the
country’s appetite for most oth- pandemic.” ment departments that focus Indian media are talking about
and bring to you a slice of their
er things. There is a discern- swapan dasgupta, on hardware – where kickbacks opinions and comments.
ible impatience with issues and The Telegraph are available. Thus, we get more
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