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P. 18

OPINION                                                                      JUNE 04, 2021  |     The Indian Eye                          18

                 india’s options amid the

          rising tide of radicalisation

                                        in the Maldives

                 young people from countries with small population develop identity

             crises and they tend to look to migrate and become part of global causes

                            (righteous or evil) in order to lead a life of significance

        adil rasheed

              he  attack  on  former  Mal-
              divian president and cur-
       Trent parliamentary speak-
        er Mohammad Nasheed on
        May 6, 2021 has led to specula-
        tion that the assassination bid
        was planned either by Islamist
        extremists or his political oppo-
        nents. In the initial hours after
        the attack, the 53-year-old Na-
        sheed was in a ‘critical condition’
        and underwent multiple surger-
        ies to his head, chest, abdomen
        and limbs.
            The Maldivian police termed
        the  attack  a  “deliberate  act  of
        terror”, although no terrorist
        group has so far taken responsi-
        bility. The fact that the bombing
        was carried out during Rama-
        dan points to the fact that only
        a terrorist group like ISIS could
        have  justified  such  a  dastard-
        ly act in the holy month. Many                                                  Mohammad Nausheed
        experts  question  whether  ISIS
        would have resorted to a crude          In the 1990s, when Maldives  Solih may face uncertain times  Maldivian Democratic Party,
        home-made  device  knowing  it  was ruled by then President  ahead, given the impact of the  but also reach out to the demo-
        might botch up the assassina- Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Na- pandemic on healthcare and  cratically viable opposition par-
        tion of a prominent leader.          sheed was arrested more than  tourism  and  the  rising  tide  of  ties that may restrict the malefic
            Therefore, the finger of sus- twenty times for his protests and  radicalisation. Factors like the  expansionism  of  China,  Paki-
        picion has moved to other Isla- scathing publications against re- Israel-Palestine  conflict  and  stan and other radical forces in
        mist groups within the country  pressive government policies, be  the  unconditional  withdrawal  and around that country.
        and even to Nasheed’s political  it over fraud in elections or over  of US forces from Afghanistan                In this regard, the influence
        opponents. Maldivian authori- rampant corruption. In 2003, he  by September 2021 add to the  of Saudi Arabia and Gulf states,
        ties are being currently helped  played a key role in a civil un- heady mix. Nasheed’s assassina- now India’s close friends in the
        by Australian police investiga- rest  by requesting an autopsy  tion attempt shows that Islamist  region, can be called upon to
        tors in this regard.4 So far, the  on murdered teenage prisoner,  wolves have already started bay- ensure peace and security in the
        police have held three out of the  Hassan Evan Naseem.                   ing at the gates.                    country.
        “four people of interest” it said       Democracy remains in a               At this time, it might be wise      Young people from countries
        showed “suspicious behaviour  fledgling  state  in  the  Maldives  for  India  to  not  only  continue  with small population develop
        at the crime scene”.                 and the presidency of Ibrahim  supporting Nasheed’s ruling                  Continued on next page... >>

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