Page 8 - The Indian EYE 060322
P. 8

NATION                                                                   JUNE 03, 2022  |    The Indian Eye                     8

          Endgame in Pakistan: Sharif Govt is shaken as

         Imran Khan gives it an ultimatum for elections

           Failing to control the growing unrest due to the protest march launched by Imran Khan, the Shehbaz Sharif government
                                            has been forced to call in the army to protect the Red Zone

        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              PML-N and its allies announced
              TI Chairman Imran Khan,                                                                         that the current setup will
              who was ousted from power                                                                       complete its tenure till August
        Pby a no-trust vote held a long                                                                       2023 and the general elections
        protest march on May 25 against the
        present government, demanding the                                                                     would be held at the stipulat-
        dissolution of the National Assem-                                                                    ed time next year, reported Ex-
        bly and to conduct the next general
        election and invited people to join in                                                                press Tribune quoting sources.
        large numbers.
            The city turned into a battle-                                                                        Imran Khan gave the Shehbaz
        ground on Wednesday as multiple scuf-                                                                 Sharif government a six-day dead-
        fles took place between the police and                                                                line for announcing elections and
        PTI marchers after Imran Khan and                                                                     dissolving assemblies warning that
        his convoy entered the city and start-                                                                if the deadline is not met he would
        ed marching towards the D-Chowk                                                                       return to the capital with the “entire
        despite  the Supreme  Court’s order                                                                   nation”.
        to hold a rally at a ground between                                                                       “I had decided that I will sit
        H9 and G9 areas of Islamabad.                                                                         here until the government dissolves
            Imran Khan warned his support-                                                                    assemblies and announces elections,
        ers would not vacate D-Chowk until                                                                    but of what I have seen in the past
        a date for fresh polls was announced                                                                  24 hours, they (govt) are taking the
        by the Shehbaz Sharif government.                                                                     nation  towards  anarchy,”  he  said
        To control the law-and-order situa-                                                                   while addressing the protesters at
        tion in the federal capital, the Paki-                                                                Islamabad’s 9th Avenue.
        stan government deployed troops of                                                                        Failing to control the growing
        the Pakistan army in the Red Zone to                                                                  unrest due to the protest march
        protect important government build-      The Azadi March brought the entire country to a standstill on Wednesday  launched by Imran Khan, the She-
        ings including the Supreme Court of                                                                   hbaz Sharif government has been
        Pakistan, Parliament House, Presi-  ed the Geo TV.                  prime minister and Pakistan Teh-  forced to call in the army to protect
        dency,  Prime  Minister’s  Office  and   Earlier, Prime Minister Shehbaz   reek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan   the Red Zone as former Pakistan
        others. The decision was taken under   Sharif-led Pakistan Muslim League   for holding re-elections in the coun-  Prime Minister and PTI chief en-
        Article 245 of the Constitution of the   Nawaz (PML-N) government re-  try and said that the government will   tered Islamabad in the early hours
        Islamic Republic of Pakistan, report-  jected the demands of ousted former   complete its tenure.     of Thursday.

                Imran praises India, attacks Sharif on oil prices

                 hile invoking the name   buying cheaper oil from Russia.                                     prices of petroleum products by PKR
                 of India, former Pakistan    “Nation starting to pay the price                               30 per litre, stating that the decision
        WPrime          Minister  Imran   for Imported govt’s subservience be-                                was taken to ensure the revival of the
        Khan yet again slammed the Shehbaz   fore foreign masters with 20% /Rs30                              International Monetary Fund (IMF)
        Sharif government after the federal   per litre hike in petrol and diesel                             programme.
        government hiked the petrol and die-  prices - the highest single price hike                              Admitting that Shehbaz Sharif’s
        sel prices by PKR 30 per litre.   in  our  history.  The  incompetent  &                              government was aware of the politi-
            While criticizing the govern-  insensitive Govt has not pursued our                               cal repercussions of the decision, he
        ment, the Imran said this “insensi-  deal with Russia for 30% cheaper                                 added, “we will face criticism but the
        tive  government”  has  not  pursued   oil,” Imran Khan said in a tweet.                              state and its interests are important to
        the deal made by the Pakistan Teh-    “In contrast, India, strategic ally                             us and it is necessary for us to save it.”
        reek-e-Insaf (PTI) party with Russia   of the US, has managed to reduce   Former prime minister Imran Khan  Furthermore, Ismail said Paki-
        for 30 per cent cheaper oil. He went   fuel prices by PKR 25 per litre by                             stan could have gone in the “wrong
        on to praise India, saying strategic   buying cheaper oil from Russia. Now   this cabal of crooks,” he said in an-  direction” if the steps were not taken.
        ally of the US has managed to reduce   our nation will suffer another mas-  other tweet.              The decision was a tough one for Prime
        fuel prices by PKR 25 per litre by   sive dose of inflation at the hands of   Pakistan on Thursday raised the   Minister  Shehbaz  Sharif,  he  added.

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