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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 31, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 18

                New York Indian Film Festival

         2024 Kickoff Event Celebrates the

           Intersection of Fashion and Film

        OUR BUREAU                        narrative of Indian storytelling.  city”, added Mira Sagar of Āve India   Council. “Mayyur Girotra’s partici-
                                              Girotra, whose designs have   Design Collective.                pation highlights the crucial inter-
        New York, NY
                                          been adorned by numerous celeb-                                     play  between  fashion  and  film  in
              he New York Indian Film Fes-  rities, including actress Aditi Rao   The kickoff event also pro-  celebrating our culture.
              tival 2024 kicked off its festivi-  Hydari  from  the  hit  Netflix  series                         The festival is dedicated to pre-
        Tties with an exclusive event in   *Heeramandi*, shared his insights   vided a sneak peek into the  senting the richness of Indian story-
        collaboration with Āve India Design   on the importance of cultural narra-  film  festival’s  lineup,  featur-  telling, and we are excited to share
        Collective at their SoHo location.   tives. “Fashion and film are powerful                            these compelling narratives with our
        The event was a resounding success,   mediums that convey the depth and   ing star-studded premieres,  audience.”
        setting the tone for what promises   richness of Indian culture. Through   thought-provoking documenta-   Poonam Khubani, IAAC Advi-
        to be an exhilarating festival running   my designs, I aim to celebrate and                           sory Board member added, “I warm-
        from May 31st to June 2nd.        preserve our heritage while pushing   ries, and captivating shorts.   ly invite all of you to join us in cele-
            Renowned fashion designer     the boundaries of creativity. Indie                                 brating extraordinary films shown at
        Mayyur Girotra, celebrated for his   filmmaking,  in  particular,  offers  a   Attendees were treated to an   the NIFF. Together, let’s champion
        exquisite bridal wear and innovative   unique platform to showcase authen-  evening of networking, comple-  the ascent of pioneering cinema and
        designs that blend Indian embroidery   tic stories that resonate on a global   mented  by  wine  and light  bites, as   revel in the transformative power of
        with Western silhouettes, headlined   stage. The New York Indian Film   they  discussed  the  upcoming  films   storytelling.”
        the evening with a captivating talk-  Festival is crucial in providing such   and the significance of independent   The New York Indian Film
        back  session  on  Fashion  and  Film.   a platform, bringing diverse and   cinema in promoting diverse voices.  Festival continues to  be a premier
        Moderated by Shriya Bhattacha-    meaningful narratives to a wider au-  “We are thrilled to inaugurate   platform for  Indian and  diaspora
        rya of Business Insider, the session   dience,” said Girotra.       the 2024 New York Indian Film Fes-  filmmakers to showcase their work.
        delved into the symbiotic relation-   “We at Ave are delighted to sup-  tival with such an inspiring event,”   This year’s festival promises to be
        ship between fashion and cinema,   port the creativity that the New York   said Suman Gollamudi, Executive   a spectacular celebration of India’s
        and how they together enhance the   Indian Film Festival brings to this   Director of the Indo-American Arts   cinematic and cultural heritage.

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