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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 31, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 17

               Two seemingly                  “No politics, please, at the dinner  right and will save the world and that  close  to me  have  not been  in  touch
           opposite worldviews            table or at my party” is not a good  anything contrarian should be nipped  with people who are not like-minded.
                                          solution. Why can’t we discuss poli-
                                                                                                                  But to avoid political divides af-
                                                                            in the bud. We need to start scoffing
             can both be right            tics? What has made us so intolerant  at them and expose their shallowness.  fecting us, keep your conversations
                                          that we cannot remain civil?      In that might lie seeds of change.  calm and balanced.
                                              We should accept that there ar-
                                          en’t black-or-white answers to any   Schoolchildren must            This is hard to do now as both
                                          problem. We must learn to think
                                          in shades of grey. Two, recognize  be exposed to all sides          sides are passionate about their
                                          that people’s beliefs or opinions are       of issues               views. If the media were not
                                          formed by their upbringing, expo-                                   stifled, everyone would have
                                          sure, and experiences. Three, ac-                                   enough avenues to express their
                                          knowledge that two seemingly oppo-
                                          site worldviews can both be right at                                views in relative safety.
                                          the same time. Didn’t Einstein shock
                                          the world by declaring that light is a                                 At the societal level, history,
                                          particle and a wave?                                                political science, and law must be
                                              Also watch our social media                                     taught from younger ages. We have
                                          consumption. If we allow social me-                                 erudite and rational scholars in In-
                                          dia  companies’  algorithms  to  show                               dia, apart from foreign authors, who
                  Rajiv Gupta             us reels, posts, and content while we                               must be credited for their meticulous
                                          passively scroll, we would have given                               research and articulation. Teachers
          Author of ‘The Good Indian Em-
         ployee’s Guide to Surviving a Lala   them charge of our lives.                                       must be chosen through a rigorous
                                                                                                              system as done for civil services.
                                              These days, political parties’
           Company’, business executive,   discourse is an unending tit-for-tat      Razia Grover             School kids must be more exposed
                                          game. They are doing ‘whatever it                                   to all sides of issues. Don’t underesti-
              es, I have seen tempers rise   takes to win’. Understandably. More   Delhi-based author and editor, and   mate children’s intelligence. Banning
                                                                                    a concerned citizen
              when politics is discussed   dangerous are their self-proclaimed                                and deleting chapters from books is
        Yat social gatherings, family     torchbearers  with  no  affiliation  or   o, I have not noticed nasty po-  not  the  answer.  School  books  need
        get-togethers, and even when old pals   contribution to societal change.   litical discussions around me.   massive upgrades. Funds for educa-
        meet. WhatsApp groups are worse.  Those who believe their view alone is  NMaybe because I and those   tion must be abundant.

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