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Op-Ed                                                                          MAY 28, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          18

                                         rIGHT reCIpe:

              Bigotry and attack on doctors

             Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

              he     most     spectacular                                                                             the prime minister will emerge
              demonstration of Hin-                                                                                   from the debris and dust of
       Tdutva irrationality was,                                                                                      Central Vista to take credit for
        of course, the holding of the                                                                                 it, but the corpses floating in the
        Kumbh Mela, brought forward                                                                                   Ganga will be telling a different
        a  year because  the  astrologers                                                                             story this time.
        demanded it, held in full force                                                                                          avay shukla,
        in the middle of the pandemic                                                                                             The Wire
        because the RSS and the  BJP
        wanted to make social and po-
        litical capital out of it.                                                                                               begging
            As the virus spreads deep
        into the North Indian country-                                                                                         for patents
        side, one can — indeed must                                                                                            e are begging for pat-
        — trace a direct connection be-                                                                                        ent waivers on vaccines
        tween the massive support giv-                                                                              Wwhich we never both-
        en to the mela by the Central
        government and by BJP state                                                                                   ered to help develop. Is this what
        governments on the one hand,         Baba Ramdev and Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan address media     a superpower is like? How can
        and the countless bodies being          during the release of Coronil by Patanjali last year in New Delhi (ANI)  we chest thump with one hand
                                                                                                                      and beg with the other. Why do
        cremated or floating in the riv-                                                                              we need a medal at every step?
        ers or buried in the sand, on the       As I stand sweating in my                 dr Kamna Kakkar,                Can’t we just put our heads
        other.                               PPEs, caring for my Covid                        The Print               down and work at building the
            From the prime minister  patients for the past one year,
        downwards (and not excluding  some people have suddenly                          no credibility               nation for the next few decades?
        the sarsanghchalak of the RSS),  started to question my inten-                                                   We Indians lost the plot.
                                                                                                                         We went into a primitive ‘us
                                                                                            odi has locked himself
        there were many powerful and  tions behind treatment pro-                          up  in  his  echo  cham- vs them’ mode. We mixed gov-
        influential men who could have  tocols.                                  Mber and  lost  touch  ernment and God, and thus felt
        prevented this tragedy from tak-        They demand that I remove        with reality. He has no ideas or  the government deserves undy-
        ing place. They did not, because,  all those drugs that Ramdev,          instruments left to fight the pan- ing faith rather than being ques-
        for them, faith and bigotry take  India’s  favorite  yoga  influenc-
        precedence over reason and sci- er, claims have ‘failed’, includ-        demic with.                          tioned and kept accountable.
        ence.                                ing steroids and remdesivir.            The machinery of state has  We ignored science.
                ramchandra Guha,             Instead, they want an unprov-       been made dysfunctional, the            We don’t understand capital.
                                                                                 judiciary will take a long time  Hence, we paid a heavy price.
                  The Telegraph              en herbal concoction from           to reassert its oversight role (if  The only silver lining in this mis-
                                             Ramdev’s kitchen — ‘Coronil‘
                                            — to be put on top of the treat-     ever),  the mainstream media  ery is the lesson — that we were
             baba vs doctors                 ment chart.                         lacks all credibility, vast sections  wrong and we need to change. If

                                                Even if I don’t heed these       of the people have been alien- we take the lesson, there’s hope.
                fter  the  controversial     demands, I know they will           ated, the opposition has reason  If we don’t and stay in denial
                video of Baba Ramdev                                             aplenty to believe that cooper- and ignorance, well, there’s no
       Avilifying allopathy and              self-medicate themselves with       ating with him is like hitching  vaccine for that.
        Covid-19 research went viral         it. My non-compliance with          a ride on a tiger, the scientific              chetan bhagat,
        and caught the ire of the In-        their requests sometimes es-        experts have been sidelined in              The Times of India
                                             calates to verbal threats, and
        dian Medical Association, Pa-        it takes up a great deal of my      favor of Coronil and dark choc-
        tanjali has  now  issued  a  clari-  time to calm them down and          olate,  people  are  finding  it  in-
        fication.  They  claim  Ramdev       rationally discuss their con-        creasingly difficult to trust him,      Every week, we look at what
        was only reading “a forwarded                                            either in word or action.            the top commentators in the
        WhatsApp message received            cerns.                                  He is no longer seen in bat-     Indian media are talking about
        by him”, and has “no ill-will           Their favorite spiritual in-     tle and the pandemic is more         and bring to you a slice of their
        against modern science”. But         fluencer  has,  indeed,  influ-     or less running its course. It       opinions and comments.
                                             enced them to no extent.
        the damage has been done.                                                will peter out eventually, and

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