Page 17 - The Indian EYE 052821
P. 17

OPINION                                                                        MAY 28, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          17

        nities for cyber criminals.          ida to tamper with the chemi- in their services.                         as periodic review of cyberse-
            The various components  cal levels in the drinking water                 Ransomware poses risks to  curity program budgets. Ba-
        used  to  monitor  the  flow  of  supply  of  the  city.  The  hacker  critical infrastructure beyond  sic cyber security hygiene like
        gases through the pipelines,  had gained access to the wa- the energy infrastructure. In  multi-factor                          authentication,
        for instance, like pressure sen- ter system through the control  2020, over 500 incidents of ran-             ready-to-implement response
        sors, valves, thermostats and  system of the water treatment  somware attacks in the US on  plans, and up-to-date backup
        pumps, are mostly controlled  plant using a remote access pro- healthcare facilities, for instance,  systems  can minimise  the  im-
        by centralised computers sys- gram. The hacker then tried to  were detected. These attacks  pact of cyber-attacks on critical
        tems. Interconnected systems  increase the levels of sodium  took advantage of the prevail- infrastructure.
        and networks are vulnerable to  hydroxide to dangerous levels.  ing  pandemic  situation, which
        malicious attacks and in turn  The attack was detected by a  makes victims more prone to                         Debopama Bhattacharya is
        can affect the functioning of the  supervisor monitoring the com- extortion. The source of a ran-               Project Assistant at Manohar
        pipelines.                           puter system who reversed the  somware attack is the hardest               Parrikar Institute for Defence
            According to a report by Sie- chemical levels as soon the hack  to trace since cyber criminals                  Studies and Analyses
        mens, 18 per cent of the global  was detected, averting a crisis.        use automated attack tools and          Views expressed are of the
        utilities sector use high technol-      Data theft and ransomware  further demand the extortion
        ogy like AI and big data analysis.  are some  of  the  most  typical  amount in  cryptocurrencies.              author and do not necessarily
        Colonial Pipeline, for instance,  threats faced by the utilities in          Cyber-related risks to the       reflect the views of the Manohar
        also uses high technology in- the critical infrastructure sec- energy sector can be mini-                          Parrikar IDSA or of the
                                                                                                                            Government of India.
        spection     robots,   controlled tor. Such attacks result in loss of  mised by strategic intelligence
        digitally, that check for anoma- productivity, revenue and dis- gathering on potential threat                    This is the abridged version
        lies if any. Such assets increase  ruption of utility services. The  actors, weaving of cyber secu-             of the article which appeared
        the number of potential entry  Spanish electric utility, Iberdola,  rity strategies into corporate              first in the Comment section
        points through which malicious  Brazilian oil company, Petro- decisions, industry-wide col-                    of the website ( of
        attacks can take place.              bras, among others have been  laboration and sharing of in-               Manohar Parrikar Institute for
            In February 2021, an attempt  victims of ransomware in the  telligence data, investments in                 Defense Studies and Analyses,
        was made by a hacker in Flor- past  causing  major  disruptions  cybersecurity controls as well                 New Delhi on May 20, 2021

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