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BUSINESS EYE MAY 27, 2022 | The Indian Eye 40
Google Chat introduces Qualcomm’ Snapdragon 8+
warning banners to protect from Gen 1 will power Asus ROG Phone
phishing attacks 6, Realme GT 2 Master Explorer
oogle announced on Thurs- fter Qualcomm announced
day that it will now display the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1
Gwarning banners against po- ASoC chipset, 16 companies
tential phishing and malware attacks have confirmed to launch smart-
coming from personal accounts. In phones with this new chip at the
order to prevent phishing, Google helm, starting Q3 2022.
has introduced this tweak for Google According to GSM Arena,
Chat in its latest expansion. though no exact launch date for
During its 2022 I/O developer someone with links that could be used the first smartphone with the new
conference, Google discussed several for malware, phishing, or ransom- chip has been announced, Asus has
security measures it has implement- ware. In late April, Google expanded stated that the ROG Phone 6 will
ed to enhance user safety, including the banner of Google Docs to inform be the first gaming phone to come
warnings against potential securi- users that malicious files were sus- with the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC.
ty issues and recommendations to pected in some Google Workspace Additionally, Realme’s founder
fix them. Google also laid out other apps (documents, sheets, slides, draw- and CEO, Sky Li, announced that
plans for security measures, like ex- ings) regardless of where the link was the Realme GT 2 Master Explorer be introduced in China, but it’s un-
panded two-step verification, ad cus- opened. Edition will be one of the first Snap- clear if it will make it to the global
tomization, and more data security, as The new feature is being rolled dragon 8+ Gen 1-powered smart- markets. Last year’s GT Master Ex-
per The Verge. out over the next couple of weeks, phones to come to the market, the plorer Edition powered by the Snap-
Google’s new warning banner and will be available for both person- outlet reported. dragon 870 was China-exclusive, so
first appeared in Gmail’s workspace al Google accounts and for Google As per GSM Arena, the Realme there’s no surety about its succes-
account to show attempts to seduce Workspace customers. GT 2 Master Explorer Edition will sor’s global launch.