Page 38 - The Indian EYE 052722
P. 38

BUSINESS EYE                                                              MAY 27, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 38

              Indian stock market week ahead:

                            Five factors to look for

           Volatility is expected to continue in the markets in the week beginning May 23. There are

                            several factors that are likely to keep traders busy during the week


             napping five consecutive weeks
             of losing streak, the Indian
        Sstock markets’ key indices
        gained around 3 per cent during the
        week ended May 20.
            There  was  extreme  volatility  at
        Dalal Street during the week. The
        key indices, Sensex and Nifty, start-
        ed the week on a positive note and
        rallied around three per cent in the
        first two days.
            However,  the  benchmark  indi-
        ces tumbled by more than 2.5 per
        cent on Thursday. Bulls were back
        on Dalal Street on Friday, the last
        trading session of the week. The in-
        dices more than covered the losses
        incurred in the previous day. The
        Sensex and Nifty surged by around
        three per cent on Friday.
            Rally  in  small  firms  was  sharp-
        er. BSE smallcap index surged by
        around 4 per  cent during the week                   Shareholders and share brokers monitor the data at a share market in Kolkata (ANI Photo)
        outperforming the gain of around 3
        per cent in the midcap index.         Domestic  institutional  inves-  week. Earnings data will have a sig-  had witnessed volatility during the
            Metal led the gains among the
        sectoral indices. BSE Metal index   tors have bought shares worth Rs   nificant impact on the market’s trend   week. This dampened the sentiments
                                          36,208.27 crore since the beginning of
                                                                            during the week.
                                                                                                              in the Indian equities in the middle
        soared 7.3 per cent during the week.
        The capital goods index gained 5.3   May. During the week ended May 20,   RUSSIA-UKRAINE CONFLICT     of the week. However, the bull ruled
                                          the domestic institutional investors
                                                                                                              the Dalal Street on Friday  despite
        per cent.                         bought shares worth Rs 9,472.91 crore.  The ongoing Russia-Ukraine con-  the weakness in the global equities.
            Volatility is expected to continue                              flict has created volatility in the stock
                                                                                                                  US macro-economic data and
        in the markets in the week beginning         EARNINGS               markets globally. Investors across the   the Federal Reserve’s action on pol-
        May 23. There are several factors     Several big companies are sched-  world are keeping eye on the conflict.   icy rates and liquidity management
        that are likely to keep traders busy   uled  to  announce  their  financial  re-  It has created huge setbacks for the   are closely tracked by the investors.
        during the week.                  sults during the week. The compa-  global economy, which was already
                                                                                                                      INDIAN RUPEE
           FOREIGN INSTITUTIONAL          nies that are scheduled to announce   rattled by the COVID-19 pandemic.   The Indian rupee dipped to
                                          their Q4 results are Mahindra & Ma-
                  INVESTORS               hindra, NHPC, Oil and Natural Gas   Development in the Russia-Ukraine   a  new  record  low  of  77.92  against
                                                                            conflict will have a significant impact
            The benchmark indices rallied   Corporation (ONGC), Bank of India,   on the global equities markets as also   the US dollar during the week. The
        around 3 per cent during the week. It   Coal India, Adani Ports and SEZ,   on the other markets globally.  rupee  touched  an  all-time  low  on
        was purely led by retail and domestic   Grasim Industries, Bank of India,                             Thursday amid a meltdown in the eq-
        institutional investors. Foreign insti-  GAIL (India) Ltd, Fortis Healthcare,   GLOBAL MARKETS        uities markets.
        tutional investors (FIIs) were the net   Jindal Steel & Power, Godrej Indus-  Investors closely follow the de-  Movement in the currency mar-
        seller during the week. The foreign   tries and India Cements.      velopments in the global equities.  kets will be closely watched. Inves-
        institutional investors sold equities   This will be the last leg of the   The volatility during the week was   tors will also keep a watch on the US
        worth Rs 11,401 crore during the   earnings session for the Janu-   largely due to the trends in the glob-  dollar’s exchange rate against major
        week ended May 20. Since the begin-  ary-March 2022 quarter. More than   al equities.                 global currencies including China’s
        ning of the month, FIIs have offload-  1,200 companies are scheduled to an-  Major global indices including  Yuan, Japan’s Yen, UK’s Pound
        ed equities worth around Rs 44,102   nounce their financial results for the   Dow Jones Industrial Average, Nas-  Sterling and the European Union’s
        crore.                            January-March quarter during the   daq 100 futures and S&P 500 futures   Euro. (ANI)

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