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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                         MAY 26, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 28

             What are the Five Habits of

                 Successful Entrepreneurs

         Passion, Hunger, Consistency, Dedication, Determination

                                                                                                              are doing. When you keep on finding
                                                                                                              reasons to proceed and progress and
                                                                                                              move forward, you will eventually
                                                                                                              find success.
                                                                                                                  When  you’re  dedicated  to  your
                                                                                                              job or business, your own goals align
                                                                                                              with those of the company’s or busi-
                                                                                                              ness’s.  Your  commitment  and  dedi-
                                                                                                              cation can therefore help in turning
                                                                                                              around your business.
                                                                                                                     5. Determination
                                                                                                                  One of the most common rea-
                                                                                                              sons for entrepreneurial failure and
                                                                                                              business closure is a lack of per-
                   HIRAV SHAH                                                                                 sistence  and  determination.  Those
                                                                                                              who are not determined tend to jump
                                                                                                              from one idea to another when en-
                                                                                                              countering obstacles and difficulties.
              o taste the true value of suc-    Every project requires investing resources and energy (Representative photo)   Determination is the essence of
              cess, become a businessman. A
        Tbusiness should not be seen as                                                                       enhancing your chances of attain-
                                                                                                              ing success in a particular thing or
        all about making money but a passion   someone without “passion”.   Be hungry.                        achieving a particular goal, and it can
        for service that creates wealth. To   Only passion can drive you.                                     also help you to stay motivated and
        make your business successful, do not   Despite the difficulties that your   3.Consistency            continue striving towards the goals
        have the notion that it takes loads of   business will inevitably come across,   In your business, consistency is   you wish to achieve. Determination
        resources and money to do that.   only passion keeps you going.     far more important that you can ever   can help you to push through and
            The most common way strug-        The road for success is crowded.   imagine. Consistency allows you to
        gling businessmen give up their pow-  It would not be impossible for every-  build trust, establish awareness and   keep moving forward when times
                                                                                                              start to get tougher.
        er is by thinking they don’t have any.  one there for success– that’s why only   deliver  your  services  efficiently  and   Success  in  business  is  achieved
                                          the passionate ones do.           profitably.  Without  that,  your  busi-
        • No, you do have power.                                            ness is more likely to face failure.   by ordinary people with extraordi-
        • You do have the potential.                 2. Hunger                  To be consistent is all about dedi-  nary determination.
                                              Hunger is a yardstick to test how   cating yourself to your goals and stay-  Final Thoughts:
        • You do have the ability.
                                          much  effort  you’re  willing  to  invest   ing to attain your goals that requires
                                                                                                                  Every project requires investing
        • You do have the capacity.       in an endeavor –in terms of time and   a long commitment from you and   resources and energy. When a proj-
                                          energy and also financially. It’s more   often involves taking action repeat-
         Here is the list of 5 Habits of   gripping than passion, with a sense of   edly, until you achieve your goals.   ect fails, businessmen must accept
           successful Entrepreneurs.      urgency that passion often lacks.  Consistency is one of the keys to help   failure, but at the same time, know
            Passion, Hunger, Consistency,     Think...Just think about it. You   your business prosper, progress and   that it does not necessarily mean
        Dedication, Determination         might be passionate about a number   turnaround.                    that they themselves are a failure.
                                                                                                              Those who can identify what caused
             Let’s understand one by one   of things, like helping folks or tak-                              the failure, figure how to fix it as well
                                          ing care of your family or launching       4. Dedication
                   1. Passion             a new setup or a venture or turning   You have to be dedicated to   as improve and make modifications,
            Passion can turn an okay busi-  around your business.           whatever you are doing, especially   will likely overcome problems and
        ness into a successful one. People or   All the time, all the time, all the   when it comes to work because it will   proceed.
                                                                                                                  There are no secrets to change
        leaders who want to succeed need to   time-Demonstrate hunger and your   eventually lead to success.   your business and to turn it around. It
        be passionate about what they do,   desire to grow your business by dis-  Why is dedication important ex-  is the result of passion, hunger, consis-
        what they want to do, and why they   playing how service-oriented and in-  actly?                     tency, dedication and determination.
        want to do it.                    terested you are in your clients and   Dedication helps to keep you go-
            Passion drives success. Yes, pas-  customers  daily.  Follow  up  relent-  ing no matter how difficult the task
        sion will drive you towards a goal and   lessly and do anything you can (pro-  or the job may be. You will always   The writer is a well-known
        an objective, even when it seems im-  fessionally and ethically, of course) in   find a reason to keep on doing it, as   Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer
        possible, but it’s only impossible for   order to turnaround your business.   long as you are dedicated to what you   Email: [email protected]

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