Page 26 - The Indian EYE 052623
P. 26

BUSINESS EYE                                                              MAY 26, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 26

              How a strong Indian economy

              is leading the G-20 group and

                      fueling Asia’s ascendancy

           Higher interest rates and weaker external demand will continue to weigh on investment and exports in 2023

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            nance.  Accelerated  &  inclusive
                                                                                                              growth, Progressive measures on
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              sustainable development, Techno-
            ndia’s  economy  is  expected  to                                                                 logical advancement & Transforma-
            grow by 6.7 per cent in the cal-                                                                  tion, Digital Infrastructure, Multilat-
        Iendar year 2024, supported by                                                                        eral institutions for the 21st century,
        resilient domestic demand, accord-                                                                    and women-led development.
        ing to a UN report which said higher                                                                     “Accelerated economic growth is
        interest rates and weaker external                                                                    key, given the fear of recession,” said
        demand will continue to weigh on                                                                      Kishore Subramanian, the founder
        investment and exports this year for                                                                  of Shree Consultants. In December,
        the country.                                                                                          World Bank stated that at the end
                                                                                                              of 2021, the external debt of heavily
        The World Economic Situation                                                                          indebted poor countries totaled $9
        and Prospects as of mid-2023                                                                             “Another ingredient for accel-

        released on Tuesday said In-                                                                          erated growth is the increased inte-
                                                                                                              gration of micro, small, and medi-
        dia’s economy, the largest in      India’s G20 presidency holds immense importance in advancing the notable accomplishments   um enterprises (MSMEs) in world
        the South Asian region, is ex-                       of the past 17 presidencies (ANI photo)          trade,” he added. According to data
                                                                                                              from the World Bank, small and me-
        pected to expand by 5.8 per                                                                           dium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play

        cent in 2023 and 6.7 per cent     pected  to  remain  “strong”  even  as   G20 meeting is “Vasudhaiva Kutum-  a  vital  and  significant  role,  particu-
                                          prospects for other South Asian na-  bakkam”,  which  translates  to  “The   larly in developing nations. These
        in 2024 (calendar year basis),  tions “are more challenging.” India   World is One (my) family”       enterprises constitute approximately
                                                                                Formed in 1999, the G20 com-
        supported by resilient domestic   is projected to grow at 6.7 per cent   prises 19 nations and the European   90% of all businesses and contribute
                                          in 2024, the fastest-growing  major
                                                                                                              to 50% of global employment.
        demand.                           economy  in  the  world,  the  flagship   Union, serving as a platform for Fi-  India recognizes the crucial
                                          report had said.                  nance Ministers and Central Bank   significance  of  trade  routes  and  re-
            However,  higher  interest  rates   Chief of the Global Econom-  Governors to engage in discussions   sources accessibility, advocating for
        and weaker external demand will   ic Monitoring Branch, Economic    regarding  global  economic  and  fi-  international financial institutions to
        continue to weigh on investment   Analysis  and  Policy  Division,  UN   nancial matters. The G20 nations   demonstrate greater responsiveness
        and exports in 2023, it said. Inflation   Department of Economic and So-  collectively represent nearly two-  towards the funding needs of micro,
        in India is expected to decelerate to   cial Affairs, Hamid Rashid had said   thirds  of  the  world’s  population,  small, and medium enterprises (MS-
        5.5 per cent in 2023 as global com-  at a press conference that India is a   75% of global trade, and 85% of the   MEs).  Undoubtedly,  prioritizing
        modity prices moderate and slow- “bright spot” in the world economy.  global GDP.                     the  reform  of  multilateral  financial
        er currency depreciation reduces      According to several experts, as   In the aftermath  of  the  world-  institutions to align with the require-
        imported  inflation.  The  estimates   the trajectory  of rising economies   wide financial and economic crisis in   ments of the Global South will be a
        for India’s economic growth in the   shifts more towards Asia, the recent   2007,  the  G20  was  granted  the  sta-  prominent agenda item during In-
        mid-year assessment remained un-  G20 meetings have come into the   tus of the premier forum for inter-  dia’s presidency.
        changed from the projections made   spotlight since December 2022 when   national economic cooperation by   India’s G20 presidency comes at
        in  the World  Economic  Situation   India took on the presidency role of   elevating it to the level of Heads of   a crucial stage when it is projected to
        and Prospects 2023 report launched   the same.                      State and Government. The G20 op-  be one of the top four global econo-
        in January this year.                 India’s  G20  presidency  holds   erates through two primary channels   mies by the end of the decade so the
            The  flagship  report  issued  in   immense importance in advancing   of involvement: the Finance Track,  expectations from it are quite high.
        January  had  said  that  India’s  GDP   the notable accomplishments of the   involving finance ministers and cen-  The most paramount goal India
        is projected to moderate to 5.8 per   past 17 presidencies, given its status   tral bank governors, and the Sherpa   is trying to achieve is to contribute
        cent in 2023 as higher interest rates   as the largest democracy globally   Track.                    solutions to the global challeng-
        and global economic slowdown      and the rapidly expanding economy.    India’s top priorities during this   es faced today, and also act as the
        weigh on investment and exports.  The G20 is held annually with a ro-  G20 meeting will be topics such as   bridge between developed and de-
            India’s  economic  growth  is  ex-  tating presidency. The motto of this   Green Development, Climate Fi-  veloping nations around the world.

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