Page 17 - The Indian EYE 051421
P. 17

OPINION                                                                        MAY 14, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          17

        China-Iran strategic cooper-                                The Chabahar port in iran                            The challenges emanating
        ation progresses in the long-                                                                                 from external factors, includ-
        term, the growing China-Iran                                                                                  ing from growing Chinese in-
        proximity has strategic chal- prox.) from INR 150 crores  2020, which was followed by a  roads in the Gulf region, can
        lenges for India.                    (US$ 20 million approx.) for  stop-over a few weeks later by  be overcome with continued
            Firstly, India’s relations  2018-19,  after  the  confirma- Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar.  political and diplomatic  en-
        with Iran have been impact- tion, increased the allocation                                                    gagements.
        ed by the reimposition of US  to INR 100 crores (US$ 13                  india has vital interests in
        sanctions after Trump an- million approx.) in the 2020-21                                                         Md. Muddassir Quamar
        nounced the US withdrawal  budget. New Delhi faced chal-                 the Gulf and West Asia en-             is Associate Fellow at Mano-
        from JCPOA in 2018. Indian  lenges not only due to the US                 compassing energy security,           har Parrikar Institute for De-
        imports of Iranian oil were sig- sanctions  but  also  because  of                                              fence Studies and Analyses,
        nificantly  impacted  and  came  the COVID-19 pandemic.22                trade and business, diaspo-                     New Delhi.
        to nought in February 2019 as           Secondly, growing Chinese         ra and the fight against ter-
        the  Trump  administration  re- inroads in Iran will mean that                                                   Views expressed are of the
        fused to renew the waiver for  China, on account of better                ror and extremism. iran is           author and do not necessarily
        oil imports from Iran.               diplomatic and political rela-       an important regional play-          reflect the views of the Mano-
            With diplomatic efforts, the  tions, can gain a competitive                                                 har Parrikar IDSA or of the
        US formally underlined that  edge over India in getting de-               er and india has had strong              Government of India.
        the work on the Chabahar port  velopmental projects.                      and  friendly  relations  with
        project is not under sanctions;         Despite the challenges em-                                              This is the abridged version
        hence, Indian companies re- anating from external factors,               iran.  there are ample op-            of the article which appeared
        sumed  work  on  the  project.  New Delhi continues to attach            portunities for future co-             first in the Comment section
        India which had reduced the  significance to its ties with Iran                                               of the website ( of
        allocation for the port project  as was showcased with the visit          operation in economic, po-          Manohar Parrikar Institute for
        in the 2019-20 budget to INR  of Defence Minister Rajnath  litical and strategic areas.  Defense Studies and Analyses,
        45 crores (US$ 5.9 million ap- Singh to Tehran in September                                                     New Delhi on May 13, 2021

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