Page 16 - The Indian EYE 051421
P. 16

OPINION                                                                        MAY 14, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          16


            Partnership and likely

                    Challenges for india

              Chinese inroads in Iran will mean that China, on account of better diplomatic and

        political relations, can gain a competitive edge over India in getting developmental projects

        Md. Muddassir QuaMar                                                                                          the crisis.
                                                                                                                         The signing of the “compre-
                hina’s engagement with                                                                                hensive strategic partnership”,
                the Gulf and West Asia                                                                                therefore, is not a surprise giv-
        Cregion  has  significantly                                                                                   en the recent trajectory of Chi-
        expanded in the past two de-                                                                                  na-Iran relations. China sees
        cades. The West Asian coun-                                                                                   the deal as another opportu-
        tries have welcomed Chinese                                                                                   nity for promoting its mega
        investments  as  a  way  to  en-                                                                              investments and connectivity
        hance their infrastructure and                                                                                projects in the Gulf and West
        support business start-ups in                                                                                 Asia under the aegis of the BRI.
        information technology (IT),                                                                                      Iran hopes that the com-
        tourism, retail, energy and oth-                                                                              prehensive partnership with
        er sectors. Additionally, China                                                                               China will help it overcome the
        is taking interest in regional                                                                                economic difficulties worsened
        politics  and  conflicts  with  the                                                                           due to the debilitating sanc-
        stated objective of promoting                                                                                 tions imposed by the Trump
        peace and stability in West                                                                                   administration and the impact
        Asia.                                                                                                         of COVID-19.
            Among the regional coun-
        tries with which China has                                                                                    during a cabinet meeting
        developed close cooperation
        is Iran. China and Iran have                                                                                  to discuss the final draft of
        gradually improved their bilat-                                                                               the comprehensive coop-
        eral relations with Iran emerg-
        ing as a leading oil supplier for                                                                             eration plan with china in
        China since the 1990s and Chi-                                                                                June 2020, President rou-
        na emerging as the top trading
        partner of Iran since the 2000s.                                                                              hani stated that the deal
            The bilateral ties received a                                                                             is  “an  opportunity  [for
        boost due to Beijing’s willing-
        ness to stand up to President                                                                                 iran] to attract investment
        Donald Trump’s “maximum                                                                                       in various economic fields,
        pressure” campaign against
        Iran after the American with-                                                                                 including industry, tour-
        drawal from the JCPOA in                             Foreign ministers of iran (left) and india               ism,  information  technol-
        May 2018.
            China-Iran relations are  Asia region, especially for its  na-Iran relations were further  ogy  and communication.”
        based on economic coopera- energy security. Further, Iran  strengthened  after  the  out-
        tion and strategic balancing.  is seen as a potential destina- break  of  the  COVID-19  pan-                     Notwithstanding how the
        For Beijing, Iran is a credible  tion for Chinese investments in  demic given China’s willing-
        partner in the Gulf and West  developmental projects. Chi- ness to assist Iran in handling                       Continued on next page... >>

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