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SPORTS                                                                    MAY 13, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 48

                                                                    IPL 2022

          Dhoni’s return to top, Kohli’s lean patch

           and Mumbai Indians finding their form

           As the season gets into full flow, we bring to you all the action on and off the field

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            positive outlook” to the entire group.
                                                                                                              “It was good to see that we managed
                                                                                                              to execute skills and at the same time
              hennai Super Kings star                                                                         finish  the  game  off,”  Jayawardene
              all-rounder  Ravindra  Jadeja                                                                   said of game against the Royals. “The
        Clast Saturday decided to step                                                                        bowling  was  pretty  good...  with  the
        down  as  captain  and  focus  on  his                                                                bat as well we were able to cross the
        game while Mahendra Singh Dhoni                                                                       line. We had the same opportunities
        has  accepted  to  lead  the  franchise                                                               through this season with the ball and
        again.  “Ravindra  Jadeja  has  decid-                                                                the bat too, to try and finish games
        ed  to  relinquish  captaincy  to  focus                                                              off, which we were not able to. So, to
        and  concentrate  more  on  his  game                                                                 get points on the table, cross the line,
        and has requested MS Dhoni to lead                                                                    brings a very positive outlook to the
        CSK. MS Dhoni has accepted to lead                                                                    entire group.”
        CSK in the larger interest & to allow                                                                     “Unfortunately,  we  had  to  wait
        Jadeja to focus on his game,” reads                                                                   for another four days before we could
        an official statement from CSK. This                                                                  play  another  game,”  Jayawardene
        comes  after  the  worst  start  of  the                                                              said. “The focus has been good; we’ve
        season  by  the  four-time  champions                                                                 had a couple of good chats. Looking
        in  the  15th  season  of  the  IPL.  In  8                                                           forward to the next game, which is a
        games,  the  team  has  won  only  two                                                                tough one. Probably the in-form best
        games and is currently sitting at the                                                                 team in the competition, and looking
        ninth position in the points tally with                                                               forward to that.”
        four points, just above their arch-ri-  Chennai Super Kings Mukesh Choudhary and MS Dhoni celebrate a dismissal (ANI)  “We  just  need  to  win  matches,
        vals Mumbai Indians.                                                                                  play some good cricket. It’s all about
            Jadeja  as  well  has  not  been  at                                                              confidence. As players, as a group it’s
                                                                                “It  doesn’t  matter  how  good  a
        his best, managing only 112 runs in 8   WARNER TELLS KOHLI TO       player  you  are,  you’re  always  going   been tough for us, there’s nothing to
        innings with the bat and five wickets   ‘STICK TO BASICS’           to have these ebbs and flows. Some-  hide,”  Jayawardene  stated,  looking
        so far.                                                             times  the  ebb  is  a  long  way  before   ahead at the remainder of the season.
            Meanwhile, CSK pacer Mukesh         ustralian opener and star Del-                                    “We were not satisfied with our
        Choudhary  after  a  match  has  re-    hi Capitals batter David War-  you  get  back  up  there.  Stick  to  the   execution; we were not satisfied with
                                                                            basics,” he added.
        vealed what skipper MS Dhoni told  Aner  has  advised  Royal  Chal-     In IPL 2022, the RCB batter has   the  way  we  played.  But  everyone
        him during the last over against Sun-  lengers Bangalore (RCB) batter Virat   scored 186 runs in 10 innings includ-  stuck together and worked harder. I
        Risers  Hyderabad  on  Sunday.  No-  Kohli to “stick to the basics” follow-  ing two golden ducks.    can’t complain about the work ethic
        tably,  Mukesh  Choudhary  dropped   ing his dearth of runs.                                          of the group. We’ve stayed together
        Abhishek Sharma in the powerplay.     Kohli has been going through a    VICTORY BRINGS ‘VERY          and believed in our ability. The rest
        He,  however,  made  amends  with   lean patch and has struggled to score   POSITIVE OUTLOOK’ TO MI   of the season is going to be the same.
        the ball by picking up a four-fer and   runs in the ongoing Indian Premier                            Stick to our processes that we’ve al-
        more importantly his wickets right at   League  (IPL).  The  former  Indian   he  Mumbai  Indians  head   ways worked on, and make sure we
        the edge of powerplay brought CSK   skipper did hit a fifty in his last match   coach  Mahela  Jayawardene   win  matches  and  go  out  and  enjoy
        back into the game. SRH got off to a   against  Gujarat  Titans  but  he  took  Tpraised  the  team  for  sticking   our cricket,” the Sri Lankan pointed.
        blazing start, smacking 46 off the first   53 balls to score 58. Warner, who is  together  in  tough  times,  and  added   Even though the points have not
        4 overs but wickets on successive de-  in sensational form, said every play-  that the aim for the rest of IPL 2022   come, Mumbai Indians have contin-
        liveries  (Abhishek  Sharma  and  Ra-  er goes through a lean patch and ad-  will be to enjoy cricket for the five-  ued  to  uncover  fresh  talent.  Tilak
        hul Tripathi) in the 6th over hindered   vised Kohli to have a couple of kids  time champions.        Varma has been spectacular with the
        their momentum.                   and cricket.                          Mumbai  Indians  notched  their   bat  and  Dewald  Brevis  has  shown
            Mukesh Choudhary in the post-     “Have  a  couple  more  kids  and  first win of IPL 2022, beating Rajas-  a  glimpse  of  enormous  potential.
        match  presentation  talking  about   enjoy  love!  The  form  is  temporary  than Royal by five wickets on April   Against the Royals, mystery left-arm
        that 6th over said: “A wicket hadn’t   and  the  class  is  permanent  so  you  30,  and  after  a  season  where  they   spinner Kumar Kartikeya was hand-
        fallen yet, so I had to take my chanc-  don’t  lose  that.  It  happens  to  every   came close to winning several games   ed  a  debut  and  did  exceptionally,
        es, I knew I dropped a catch but I had   single  player  in  the  world,”  Warner  before earning their first points, head   while the young Hrithik Shokeen has
        to take a wicket and thankfully that   told Sports Yaari founder Sushant  coach  Mahela  Jayawardene  stated   also continued to be impressive.
        happened.”                        Mehta.                            that the victory had brought a “very     Continued at next page... >>

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