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BUSINESS EYE                                                              MAY 13, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 46

                                                              TECH T@LK

                   Gizfit 910 is a feature                                  Twitter Circle lets you handpick

              loaded budget smartwatch                                          an audience for your tweets

         for health-conscious consumers                                          witter is testing a new feature   here is how it works:

                                                                                 called  ‘Twitter  Circle’  where   First,  you  will  choose  upto  150
              iming  at  consumers  who   heart  rate,  sleep  cycles,  and  even   Tusers  can  handpick  a  smaller   people  irrespective  of  whether  you
              place  a  high  value  on  health   menstrual  cycle.  It  also  includes  a   crowd of 150 people with whom they   follow them or not. Then while twit-
        Atracking,  smart  accessories    number  of  sports  modes  like  out-  want to share their tweets.  ting anything selects the option ‘Twit-
        and audio brands, Gizmore recently   door runs, cycling, badminton, foot-  The new Twitter feature seems   ter Circle’ to limit your tweet to only
        launched a calling smartwatch Gizfit   ball, and yoga.              to be on a similar line to Instagram’s   those people you have selected.
        910 Pro, at a price of Rs 2,499.      In  terms  of  connectivity,  the   Close Friends feature, which allows   “The users can edit the list of
            In  this  price  range,  this  is  the   smartwatch  comes  with  Bluetooth   selecting the audience for their sto-  people  that  they  have  selected  in
        only  smartwatch  that  includes  an   5.1, which it uses to connect with the   ries.  Announcing  the  feature  on   ‘Twitter Circle’ anytime they want.
        AI-powered Voice Assistant that al-  smartphone in order to track work-  Tuesday, Twitter said, “Some Tweets   Also, people will not be notified if
        lows users to give voice commands   outs using the phone’s GPS, as well   are for everyone and others are just   you  remove  them,”  said  the  com-
        for a truly hands-free experience. A   as to stream music and make calls. It   for people you’ve picked.”  pany.
        successor to Gizfit 910, this smart-  also has a music controller that can   “We’re now testing Twitter Cir-  Twitteratis who were able to ac-
        watch  sports  a  larger  square  dial,   be used to play, pause, and shuffle   cle, which lets you add up to 150 peo-  cess the feature have started shar-
        premium metallic finish, slim bezels   tracks, as well as adjust the volume.  ple  who  can  see  your  Tweets  when   ing their feedback.
        on all sides and a brightness of 500   Battery-wise,   the   wearable   you want to share with a smaller   “At  first  I  didn’t  understand
        nits. The dial is attached to a black   promises to offer a backup that lasts   crowd. Some of you can create your   this, but this is actually a pretty cool
        silicone strap that is easy to wear all   up  to  five  to  six  days  on  a  single   own  Twitter  Circle  beginning  to-  feature,  and  I’ve  felt  the  need  for
        day.                              charge,  even  with  various  tracking   day!,” Twitter Safety tweeted.  something like this lately,” tweeted
            Further,  on  the  features  front,   features on.                  Since  the  microblogging  social   a user.
        the  Gizfit  910  Pro  can  easily  pair   The Gizfit 910 Pro is currently   media platform says that for now   Meanwhile,  some  have  picked
        with an Android device, helping us-  available to buy on Flipkart and all   the new feature will be appearing for   up on the announcement while shar-
        ers to track their step count, SpO2,   other large format retail outlets.   “Some of you”, so if you have it, then   ing funny takes on it.

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