Page 4 - The Indian EYE 051223
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BIG STORY                                                                 MAY 12, 2023  |    The Indian Eye                     4

                                     SCO MEETING IN INDIA

                                     FOCUS ON



                     With the foreign ministers of China, Russia, Pakistan and other members of
            Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting in Goa, the focus shifts to cooperation

                                  between Asian countries. Is a new world order emerging?

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            tion (SCO) Foreign Ministers meet-
                                                                                                              ing in Goa includes preparation for
        Panjim (Goa)
                                                                                                              the meeting of the SCO Council of
           ndia hosted a cultural event                                                                       Heads of State, according to the Rus-
           on Thursday evening, ahead of                                                                      sian Foreign Ministry.
        Ithe main meeting in Goa for its                                                                          The agenda includes the issue of
        Shanghai  Cooperation  Organization                                                                   SCO granting member status to Iran
        (SCO) counterparts, which displayed                                                                   and the possible acceleration of Be-
        a fusion of dance between Central                                                                     larus joining the group and granting
        Asian countries, South Asian coun-                                                                    the status of SCO Dialogue partners
        tries including India and Pakistan,                                                                   to Bahrain, Kuwait, Myanmar, Mal-
        along with Russia and China. The                                                                      dives and the United Arab Emirates,
        participants also performed the Indi-                                                                 the Russian Foreign Ministry said.
        an classical dance forms and popular                                                                      It said the agenda of the SCO
        film songs, including the Oscar-win-                                                                  Foreign Ministers meeting in Goa in-
        ning track ‘Natu Natu’.                                                                               cludes coordinating foreign policies
            The theme for India’s chairman-                                                                   to promote the role of the United
        ship of SCO in 2023 is ‘Secure-SCO’.                                                                  Nations in ensuring “credible global
        New Delhi attaches special impor-                                                                     security and sustainable economic
        tance to SCO in promoting multi-   Dr S. Jaishankar during their bilateral talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on   growth.”
        lateral,  political, security,  economic                                                                  Later, the bilateral meeting of
        and people-to-people interactions   the sidelines SCO Foreign Ministers’ meeting, in Goa, on Thursday (ANI Photo/Jitender Gupta)  External Affairs Minister (EAM) S
        in the region. Shanghai Cooperation                                                                   Jaishankar with his Chinese coun-
        Organization (SCO) is an intergov-  multilateral cooperation between the   the UN and the G20,” the statement   terpart, Qin Gang, concluded on
        ernmental organization established   two countries. The two leaders also   said.                      Thursday. The discussions focused
        in 2001. India took over the rotating   discussed issues pertaining to G20   It  said  that  a  confidential  ex-  on resolving outstanding issues and
        presidency of the SCO at the summit   and BRICS.                    change  of  views  took  place  on  the   ensuring “peace and tranquility” in
        held in Samarkand in 2022.            Russian  Foreign  Ministry  said   main issues of bilateral relations,   the border areas.
            India’s SCO counterparts -- Chi-  in  the statement  that  the two sides   including the schedule of upcoming   The two foreign ministers held
        na, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Paki-  agreed to continue following “the   contacts, as well as topical issues on   detailed discussions, on the sidelines
        stan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbeki-  course of building a fair multipolar   the global and regional agenda.  of the Shanghai Cooperation Orga-
        stan foreign ministers -- arrived in   system of interstate relations”. It said   Russian Foreign Minister ar-  nization (SCO) FM meet, revolving
        Goa on Thursday. Earlier in the day,   the ministers appreciated the dynam-  rived at Goa’s Dabolim airport this   around SCO, G20 and BRICS, said
        External Affairs Minister S Jaishan-  ics of cooperation in key areas of the   morning. This is his second visit to   EAM Jaishankar. After commencing
        kar held talks with Russian Foreign   especially privileged strategic part-  India this year. He had attended the   bilateral talks with both his Russian
        Minister Sergey Lavrov, Chinese FM   nership between  the  two  countries.   G20 Foreign Ministers’ meeting in   and Chinese counterparts, Jaishan-
        Qin Gang and later with Uzbek for-  “The  intention  was  confirmed  to   New Delhi this March.       kar tweeted, “A detailed discussion
        eign minister Bakhtiyor Saidov.   strengthen coordination activities to   During his Goa visit, Lavrov is   with State Councilor and FM Qin
            Jaishankar and his Russian coun-  develop common approaches within   expected to have several bilateral   Gang of China on our bilateral re-
        terpart held talks on the sidelines of   the framework of interaction at the   meetings with his counterparts from   lationship. Focus remains on resolv-
        the SCO Foreign Ministers’ meeting   most important international plat-  other SCO countries. The agenda of   ing outstanding issues and ensuring
        and reviewed bilateral, global and   forms, including the SCO, BRICS,   the Shanghai Cooperation Organiza-   Continued on next page... >>

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