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BUSINESS EYE MAY 12, 2023 | The Indian Eye 30
Twitter to allow media publishers to charge users
per article and flag hate speech posts
fter blue tick verification, now on Twitter, individuals can sign up for is, fewer people will see the content,
billionaire Elon Musk an- Twitter Blue,” Twitter said in a post in as its ability to be found via search or
Anounced that Twitter will allow March. discovered via recommendations will
media publishers to charge users on a Twitter first introduced the blue be restricted.
per article basis with one click and this check mark system in 2009 to help Twitter stressed that the limited
is going to start from May. users identify that celebrities, politi- visibility will only affect the specific
On Saturday, Elon Musk tweeted, cians, companies and brands, news offending tweets, and accounts that
“Rolling out next month, this platform organizations and other accounts “of tweet hateful content will not be pe-
will allow media publishers to charge counts are now prioritized.” public interest” were genuine and not nalized in any way.
users on a per article basis with one Due to the recent development, impostors or parody accounts. The The company said users will be
click. This enables users who would several celebrities have lost their ver- company didn’t previously charge for able to submit appeals if they believe
not sign up for a monthly subscription ified blue ticks from their Twitter ac- verification. Twitter wrongly affixed their tweet with
to pay a higher per article price for counts. As multiple accounts have Musk launched Twitter Blue the label. Twitter also said it will “con-
when they want to read an occasional started paying, the announcement will with the check-mark badge as one of tinue to remove illegal content and sus-
article. Should be a major win-win for definitely motivate others to join the the premium perks within two weeks pend bad actors” from the platform.
both media orgs & the public.” bandwagon. of the company’s takeover last year. Twitter is letting users know that
This news came few days after The blue tick served as a way of According to Twitter, the company a tweet has had visibility limited for
the announcement regarding the ac- protecting well-known individuals will start rolling out new warning la- breaking the company’s “Hateful Con-
counts which are blue tick verified. from impersonation and tackling false bels on tweets that break its “Hate- duct” policies as a new step towards
The changes which Musk has made information. ful Conduct” rules. According to the more transparency on the platform.
on Twitter after his takeover are cra- “On April 1st, we will begin wind- Mashable website, tweets with this Twitter’s policies define hateful
zy. Adding another pointer to his up- ing down our legacy verified program label will have “limited visibility” on conduct as racist or sexist slurs, tropes,
dates is about getting verified accounts and removing legacy verified check- the platform, meaning that Twitter’s and intimidation, as well as hateful ref-
prioritised. He tweeted, “Verified ac- marks. To keep your blue checkmark algorithm will reduce its reach -- that erences, imagery, and incitement.