Page 28 - The Indian EYE 051223
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BUSINESS EYE                                                              MAY 12, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 28

               Biden and Harris congratulate

                     Ajay Banga as he is elected

                           president of World Bank

              The Indian-American finance and development expert will take over the role on June 2. He was the sole
                contender to replace departing World Bank chief David Malpass whose term ends early next month

        OUR BUREAU
        Washington, DC

            ndia-born Ajay Banga has been
            elected as the World Bank’s next
        Ipresident. A 25-member execu-
        tive board elected the ex-Mastercard
        CEO who was nominated for the post
        by  US  President  Joe  Biden  in  late
           “The Board looks forward to
        working with Mr Banga on the World
        Bank Group Evolution process,” the
        bank said in a statement published
        shortly after the board voted to ap-
        prove  his  leadership  for  a  five-year
        term. Banga, a finance and develop-
        ment expert, will take over the role on
        June 2. He was the sole contender to
        replace departing World Bank chief
        David Malpass whose term ends early
        next month.
            Sources familiar with the process
        said that Banga won the board’s ap-
        proval after several meetings in re-
        cent weeks and a formal interview on
            US President Joe Biden congrat-
        ulated Ajay Banga on his resounding
        approval by the World Bank’s Board
        of Governors. He stated that Ban-   Ajay Banga was awarded the Foreign Policy Association Medal in 2012, the Padma Shri Award by the President of India in 2016 (File photo)
        ga will be a “transformative leader,
        bringing  expertise,  experience, and   poverty reduction--including climate   ground. I look forward to our contin-  ident Harris as the Co-Chair of the
        innovation to the position of World   change,” he added.            ued work together.” On Wednesday,  Partnership for Central America.
        Bank President.”                      Biden said Ajay Banga will also   Banga has been elected as the World   Banga is a co-founder of The Cy-
           “I want to congratulate Ajay Ban-  be  integral  in  bringing  together  the   Bank’s next president. A 25-member   ber Readiness Institute and  served
        ga -- my nominee for the next Pres-  public and private sectors, alongside   executive board elected the ex-Mas-  as a member of President Obama’s
        ident of the World Bank -- on his   philanthropies, to usher in the fun-  tercard CEO who was nominated for   Commission on Enhancing Nation-
        resounding approval by the Bank’s   damental changes in development fi-  the post by US President Joe Biden in   al Cybersecurity. He is a past  mem-
        Board of Governors,” US President   nance that this moment requires.   late February.                 ber of the U.S. President’s Advisory
        Joe Biden said in a statement released   United States Vice President Ka-  Over the course of his career,  Committee for Trade Policy and Ne-
        by the White House.               mala Harris congratulated India-born   Ajay Banga has become a global lead-  gotiations.
           “Ajay Banga will be a transfor-  Ajay  Banga  on  being  elected  as  the   er  in  technology,  data,  financial  ser-  He was awarded the Foreign Pol-
        mative leader, bringing expertise,  President of the World Bank.    vices and innovating for inclusion.  icy Association Medal in 2012, the
        experience, and innovation to the     Appreciating Banga  for his past   He  became  an advisor  to  Gen-  Padma Shri Award by the President
        position of World Bank President.  work, Harris tweeted, “Congratula-  eral Atlantic’s climate-focused fund,  of India in 2016, the Ellis Island Med-
        And together with World Bank lead-  tions to Ajay Banga on his election   BeyondNetZero, at its inception in   al of Honor and the Business Coun-
        ership and shareholders, he will help   as President of the World Bank. Ajay   2021. Previously, Ajay Banga served   cil for International Understanding’s
        steer the institution as it evolves and   has been an incredible partner in our   on the Boards of the American Red   Global Leadership Award in 2019,
        expands to address global challenges   work in Central America, helping to   Cross, Kraft Foods and Dow Inc. He   and the Distinguished Friends of Sin-
        that directly affect its core mission of   deliver hope and opportunity on the   has  worked  closely  with  Vice  Pres-  gapore Public Service Star in 2021.

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