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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                         MAY 10, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 44

                           Never argue with 4 people:

            Fool, Crazy, Guru and Parents

               By understanding the dynamics of each individual, we can approach arguments more

                            strategically and learn when it’s best to engage or simply walk away

                                                                                                              The   Parents:   Navigating  the
                                                                                                              challenges of arguing with family
                                                                                                              members and the importance of
                                                                                                              maintaining healthy relationships
                                                                                                              • Arguing with parents can be a sensi-
                                                                                                                tive matter. While they may not fall
                                                                                                                into the categories of fool, crazy, or
                                                                                                                guru, their role as caretakers and au-
                                                                                                                thority figures can make arguments
                                                                                                                with them  emotionally  charged.
                                                                                                              • Parents have nurtured and cared for
                                                                                                                us  throughout  our  lives,  and  their
                                                                                                                unconditional love often makes
                                                                                                                them the ultimate authority figures.
                                                                                                              • However, disagreements with par-
                                           Gurus often have a strong following and can be charismatic, making it easy to be swayed by   ents can arise due to generational
                    Hirav Shah                               their words (Representative/File photo)            gaps, differing values, or simply
                                                                                                                clashing personalities.
                                                                                                              • Building and maintaining healthy
           n  life, there  are  certain  individ-  reason.                    disregard for facts, engage in con-  relationships with parents involves
           uals  whose  arguments  should   • Fools are often resistant to new in-  spiracy theories, or exhibit extreme   open communication, active listen-
        Inever be taken lightly. Whether    formation and unwilling to consid-  emotions that cloud their judg-  ing, and finding common ground.
        it’s the fool who lacks understand-  er alternative viewpoints.       ment.                           Conclusion:
        ing, the crazy person who defies log-  • Arguing with a fool can be like   • Engaging in a logical debate with   • Engaging in an argument with a
        ic, the guru who possesses profound   banging your head against a wall.   a crazy person may only serve to   fool can be futile as their ignorance
        wisdom, or the parents who have   • No matter how well-reasoned your   fuel their irrationality and lead to a   may overshadow reason. Similarly,
        nurtured and cared for you, each of   arguments may be, they are unlike-  breakdown in communication.   debating with a crazy person with
        these individuals possess a unique   ly to change their perspective.   The Guru: Exploring the dangers of   irrational beliefs might lead to frus-
        perspective that can challenge your   • Fools tend to be stubborn and                                   tration and confusion. On the flip
        own beliefs.                        unwilling to admit when they are   arguing with self-proclaimed experts  side, engaging in a discussion with
                                            wrong. Engaging in an argument   • Gurus are individuals who claim to
        Understanding the different types of   with a fool can drain your energy   possess profound wisdom or exper-  a guru can be enlightening as their
        people, you should avoid arguing with  and leave you feeling frustrated.  tise in a particular field.   wisdom and knowledge can broad-
            When  it comes to  arguments,                                   • While engaging in a discussion    en your  horizons. Lastly,  arguing
        not all individuals are worth engag-  The Crazy: Identifying signs of   with a knowledgeable person can   with parents can be a sensitive mat-
                                                                                                                ter as their unconditional love and
        ing  with. Understanding the differ-  irrational behavior and why engaging   be enlightening, it’s important to   experience often make them the
        ent types of people, you should avoid   in arguments is unproductive  approach self-proclaimed experts   ultimate authority figures.
        arguing with can save you energy,   • The crazy person is characterized   with caution.               • By understanding the dynamics
        frustration, and unnecessary conflict.   by their irrational behavior and be-  • Not all gurus are created equal,   of each individual, we can ap-
        Let’s explore each type in more de-  liefs.                           and some may use their perceived   proach arguments more strategi-
        tail:                             • Engaging in an argument with      authority to manipulate or deceive   cally and learn when it’s best to
                                            someone  who  defies  logic  can  be   others.
        The Fool: Characteristics and why   a recipe for frustration and confu-  • Arguing with a guru can be danger-  engage or simply walk away. So
        arguing with them is futile         sion.                             ous as they may employ persuasive   next  time  you  find  yourself  in  a
        • We’ve all come across fools in our   • The crazy person may hold beliefs   tactics to sway your opinion.   heated discussion, remember the
                                                                                                                saying: “Never argue with four
          lives.                            that are completely detached from   • Gurus often have a strong follow-
        • These individuals lack understand-  reality or exhibit erratic behavior   ing and can be charismatic, making   people: fool, crazy, guru, parents”,
                                                                                                                and choose your battles wisely.
          ing and often make irrational state-  that defies explanation.      it easy to be swayed by their words.
          ments or hold misguided beliefs.   • Identifying signs of irrational be-  • However, it’s essential to evaluate   The writer is a well known Business
        • Engaging in a logical argument with   havior can help you recognize when   their claims critically and seek out   Turnaround Specialist, Astro Strategist,
          a fool can be an exercise in futility   it’s best to avoid arguments.   multiple perspectives before ac-   and BestSelling Author.
          as their ignorance may overshadow   • The crazy person may display a   cepting their wisdom as truth.    [email protected]

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