Page 18 - The Indian EYE 043021
P. 18
North The Indian Eye
18 APRIL 30, 2021
CoVid-19 Crisis iN iNdia
amid scare and despair, Indian american
community sends aid back home
some U.s. lawmakers, tech executives join forces to boost aid;
sewa international Usa raises more than $5 million
Our Bureau
Washington, DC/New York
eeing the devastating
spike in COVID-19 cases
Sin India is horrifying. Fr
those watching it from the U.S.,
it is really sad and concerning.
For those with close ties to India,
that feeling is a gut-punch as
people are worried about their
families, parents, relatives and
even employees.
Unlike some nations that
have been able to avoid a new
spike in deaths and critical
hospitalizations despite recent
outbreaks, India is also seeing
an unprecedented number of
deaths. The country reported
nearly 3,500 deaths on Friday
alone. Testing kits are also in
short supply in India, feeding
speculation that the scale of the
outbreak is even larger than of- USa aircraft arrives with 125,000 vials of the antiviral drug Remdesivir as part of Covid-19 relief supplies from
ficial reports suggest. the US, at the indira Gandhi international airport in new Delhi on Sunday. (ani)
The community is rising to
the occasion and trying to send of the Congressional Caucus other urgently needed medical lion in India for victims and
as much help to India as they can. on India, told Reuters that In- equipment, and pushing the medical supplies, and con-
Some U.S. lawmakers dian-American billionaire and White House to do more for firmed chief executive Sundar
and wealthy technology exec- Sun Microsystems co-founder India, the world’s largest de- Pichai was personally donating
utives have joined forces to Vinod Khosla and other Indi- mocracy, as a surge in infections $700,000 to UNICEF’s India
boost aid to India as it grap- an-American tech executives at overwhelms hospitals. response. IBM did not imme-
ples with a severe spike in Google, IBM and Microsoft are On Twitter, Khosla offered diately return calls requesting
coronavirus infections, with a working closely with the bipar- to fund the bulk import of oxy- comment.
focus on ensuring aid is equal- tisan Congressional Caucus on gen and other supplies to India. The U.S. Chamber of Com-
ly distributed across the coun- India. Khanna said Khosla has offered merce, the largest U.S. business
try, a Congress member said. The group is trying to match to underwrite the initiative. lobby, and CEOs from 40 firms
U.S. Representative Ro Indian hospitals and other facil- Google said on Monday it on Monday launched a separate
Khanna, Democratic vice chair ities with supplies of oxygen and was donating another $18 mil- Continued on next page... >>
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