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Op-Ed APRIL 30, 2021 | The Indian Eye 16
lessons from elections and pandemic
Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media
C has banned victory ral- vaccine supply chains, had, to
lies on May 2. Protocol an extent, been addressed.”
Eviolations, starting from rudra Chaudhuri,
leaders addressing large rallies The Print
unmasked, were too glaring to
escape judicial scrutiny. EC give vaccines free
has harped on successful social hat should be the goals
distancing by creating more of a vaccination pol-
polling booths but unrestricted Wicy during a global
campaigning and long winding
phases have dented its credibil- pandemic? We believe a good
ity. Alarming Covid surges in policy will seek to achieve max-
Bengal, TN and Kerala testify to imum coverage, as close to uni-
the damage wreaked. Bengal’s versalization as possible and do
so as quickly and cost effectively
daily Covid cases have spiked as possible.
40-fold since the first phase of
polling on March 27 and Kolk-
ata’s test positivity rate is worry- We should also account
ingly 50%; 8-phase polling was UaE sends a consignment of 157 ventilators, 480 BiPaPs, and other medi- for the institutional ca-
EC’s terrible mistake. Kerala’s cal supplies to india (ani)
downward trajectory has re- pacity to implement such
versed sharply post- election day Power over people Us with india a policy. given that the
on April 6. TN’s graph is similar
with cases rising steadily since Having declared a premature On 26 April, US President pandemic disproportion-
mid-March, just as campaigning victory over the pandemic Joe Biden tweeted, “India ately impacts poor and
heated up. “the two great leaders in the “was there for us, and we will
Just as ordinary people have government, the only ones who be there for them.” He also got low-income families, it is
learnt to work from home and matter, the prime minister and on a call with Prime Minister vitally important that the
refashion social interactions, the home minister, got busy Narendra Modi. On 27 April,
EC and political parties must with elections in Assam, Ben- Biden told reporters, “We are policy also be equitable.
reinvent electioneering. If EC gal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and sending immediately a whole
strictly bans rallies, no political Puducherry. It would have been series of help that he needs.” Since there is broad consen-
party or top neta would dare utterly impudent and impru- Before Biden spoke out, sus that vaccinations provide
violate such a stricture made in dent on the part of the health US Secretary of State Antony the safest path to herd immu-
public interest. The Constitu- minister to remind them of the Blinken made clear that the nity, their deployment offers a
tion has granted EC function- forthcoming health disaster. United States was ‘working relatively quick exit from the
al autonomy for precisely this A leadership that has always closely’ with partners in the In- crisis.
reason. EC cannot police every been obsessed with power and dian government. That path also ensures a
violation but it can certainly more power in every state of Two hours after Blinken’s sustained revival of economic
throttle the big rallies, as was the union, by hook or by crook, public pledge to India, US Na- activity, which is the surest way
belatedly attempted in Bengal. would obviously have no incli- tional Security Advisor Jake to avert a humanitarian crisis in
Virtual rallies, junked in Bi- nation to be bogged down with Sullivan declared that the India. Even as we combat the
har before the idea could gain disasters. Their default option, “United States stands in soli- second wave, it is important
critical mass, must become the when faced with a problem, darity with the people of India”. that we already begin to prepare
norm. Short campaigning win- would be to deny it or silence Sullivan, too, underscored for future waves. Vaccines have
dows and single-phase polling those who talk about it. But the promise of globalism that a major role in ensuring that.”
are also needed. With elections then there are certain problems India has helped shape: “Just shashi tharoor,
a recurring feature, EC must that just don’t go away, such as as India sent assistance to the The Indian Express
play its part in preventing third pandemics. They test a leader- United States as our hospitals
and fourth waves, even as stock ship’s mettle and competence, were strained,” he underlined, Every week, we look at what
is taken of how much elections both of which are in as much a “the United States is deter-
contributed to the grievous cur- short supply as are the oxygen mined to help India in its time the top commentators in the
rent wave.” cylinders in Delhi hospitals.” of need.” Indian media are talking about
editorial, ravi Joshi, India’s requests for emer- and bring to you a slice of their
opinions and comments.
The Times of India The Wire gency assistance and easing
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