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BOLLYWOOD SPEACIAL                                                       APRIL 29, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 30

                                             ‘THE DELHI FILES’

             Now, Vivek Agnihotri turns focus

                            to 1984 and Tamil Nadu

             ‘The Kashmir Files’ has shattered all box office records in the post-pandemic era,

                             becoming the first Hindi film to cross the Rs 250-crore mark

                                                                                                              du-Sikh riots. It was the genocide by
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              the Congress party and by the then
        Mumbai                                                                                                Government of India against the
                                                                                                              Sikhs.” “The people of Delhi stood
             ilmmaker Vivek Ranjan Agni-                                                                      with the Sikhs and saved them. Even
             hotri on Sunday dropped de-
        Ftails about his next project ‘The                                                                    two Hindus were killed while saving
                                                                                                              their friends from the Sikh communi-
        Delhi Files’ and said that the movie                                                                  ty. I am sure that this movie will not
        is about the dark chapter of 1984 and                                                                 divide the society but will bring the
        also tells a lot about Tamil Nadu.                                                                    community closer,” he added.
            Vivek said, “The year 1984 is a
        dark chapter in Indian history. The
        way the entire Punjab terrorism sit-                                                                  “I am hoping that this movie will
        uation was handled, was inhuman.                                                                      show how a political party exploit-
        It was purely for vote bank politics
        and that is why terrorism was culti-                                                                  ed a community to get political
        vated by the Congress party in Pun-                                                                   gains. I can say, based on facts,
        jab. First, they created it, then they
        destroyed it, then they killed lots of   The director of ‘The Kashmir Files’ Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri and actress Pallavi Joshi (ANI)  that the police were involved in
        innocent people and then covered it                                                                   killing the Sikhs. Everywhere in
        up. To date, there has been no jus-
        tice, what can be worse than that.”                                                                   the capital city, the police were
        He said that people will take a stand                                                                 involved with those who were kill-
        and seek justice if history is taught to
        people and facts are told to them.                                                                    ing,” Advocate Phoolka said.
            “Delhi  files  will  tell  you  lots  of
        truth about Tamil Nadu also. It’s not                                                                     Meanwhile, Agnihotri’s block-
        about Delhi; it just showed how Del-                                                                  buster  film  ‘The  Kashmir  Files’  is
        hi has been destroying ‘Bharat’ for so                                                                all set to extend its global footprint.
        many years. Those who ruled Delhi                                                                     The movie, which had hit theatres in
        destroyed everything, right from Mu-                                                                  India on March 11, will now release
        ghal kings to the British to the mod-                                                                 in Israel on April 28. On Wednesday,
        ern times,” said the filmmaker.                                                                       Vivek took to Twitter and shared the
            Agnihotri said that in India, peo-                                                                update with his fans and followers.
        ple write history based on their nar-                                                                     “On huge demand, #TheKash-
        rative or their political agenda while                                                                mirFiles is releasing in ISRAEL on
        it should be evidence and fact-based.                                                                 28th April. I thank Consul General
        “The political agenda of India mostly                                                                 @KobbiShoshani for coming to our
        has been the western secular agenda.                                                                  studio  to  inaugurate the  poster  of
        The great Hindu civilization is always                                                                TKF. It’s is a major step in sharing our
        ignored and it is made to believe that                                                                coming goal of fighting terrorism and
        we are weak people. Everything we              Anupam Kher with Vivek Agnihotri and Pallavi Joshi (ANI)  promoting humanity,” he tweeted.
        have learned is from western rulers                                                                       The hard-hitting drama revolves
        or the invaders,” said the filmmaker.  said, “It’s time for me to work on a   this history should be talked about,   around the genocide of Kashmiri Pan-
            Vivek Agnihotri on April 15 an-  new film.”                     to avoid any repetition of mistakes.  dits in 1990. It features Anupam Kher,
        nounced that he will soon start work-  Harvinder Singh Phoolka, a       Phoolka, who is well known for   Pallavi Joshi, Mithun Chakraborty,
        ing on his next project, ‘The Delhi   senior advocate who represented   spearheading the crusade to seek   Darshan  Kumaar,  Puneet  Is-
        Files.’                           victims’ families of the 1984 riots,   justice in the 1984 anti-Sikh genocide   sar, Mrinal Kulkarni and others.
            ‘The  Kashmir  Files’  filmmaker   on Friday welcomed the decision of   in New Delhi further alleged that   ‘The Kashmir Files’ shattered all
        took to his Twitter handle and ex-  making a film ‘Delhi Files’ based on   “the criticism of Congress leaders is   box  office  records  in  the  post-pan-
        pressed gratitude to the people who   this incident and said there’s is no   absolutely having no basis because   demic era, becoming the first Hindi
        watched ‘The Kashmir Files’ and   need to suppress history, adding that   what happened in Delhi was not Hin-  film to cross the Rs 250-crore mark.

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