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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline APRIL 29, 2022 | The Indian Eye 28
8th Annual DFW South Asian
Film Festival Unveils Opening, Centerpiece
& Closing Night Films
partnership with Jitin and his team fish-out-of-water cousin, Amber. Set stumbles upon a dark secret from
Dallas, TX to support the DFW SAFF again in Jackson Heights, Queens, New Meera’s past, Bharat is forced to
this year” said Jacob Zuk, Sponsor- York, the film follows a relatable choose: Is she a woman of bad char-
resented by Toyota Motor ship, Integration, Activation, Toyota and endearing storyline offering a acter like everyone says, or is she the
North America for the third
Ptime, the 8th annual Dallas/ Motor North America. “As the fes- fresh perspective on classic rom-com smart, sensitive person he knows?
tripes. Americanish delves into the
It’s only a matter of time before the
tival moves to its new home down
Fort Worth South Asian Film Festi- the road from our North American complexity of trying to both honor grownups in the building find out,
val (DFW SAFF), produced by Tex- Headquarters, we look forward to and break from cultural traditions and what Bharat does next will de-
as-based media conglomerate, JIN- attending the festival in person to while balancing personal values and termine the kind of man he will grow
GO Ventures, occupies a new home support the growing South Asian career goals in a society that does up to be.
at Grandscape in The Colony from community here in Dallas.” not always accommodate both.
May 20 to 22, 2002. Some of the THE LAST FILM SHOW:
“After two years of virtual fes- THE TENANT: A mischievous nine-year-old
tivals and a COVID-conscious, so- featured films are: Bharat is a 13-year-old boy boy, Samay, gets into the habit of
cially-distanced, scaled-down festi- WELCOME TO AMERICA: struggling with adolescence in a visiting the rundown local movie
val, we are excited to be BACK and Where dreams come true…ish. conservative Mumbai suburb. When theater, against his father’s wish-
BIGGER than ever,” said Founder A break from the traditional roman- Meera, a beautiful cosmopolitan es. Without the money to attend,
and Festival Director Jitin Hingora- tic comedy, Americanish highlights woman from the big city, moves in he strikes up a deal with the lais-
ni. “To celebrate our complete re- different layers of womanhood as next door, she immediately causes a sez-faire projectionist, who wel-
turn to live events, we have chosen they intersect with cultural and so- stir. Bharat is drawn to her and pur- comes him into the projection booth
to host our opening night screening cietal expectations. Americanish sues an unlikely friendship. Meera, in exchange for home-cooked meals.
on the Stage and outdoor Lawn, fol- invites viewers into the home and lonely and vulnerable, finds Bharat’s Samay’s fascination with movies
lowed by our Saturday and Sunday lives of three marriage-aged women innocence a welcome change in a sea inspires him and his friends to start
screenings in the world-class Galaxy as they navigate the often-turbulent of ogling, Indian men. When she in- their own secret screening opera-
Theatres, at the newest shopping, waters of romance, culture, career, troduces him to jazz and teaches him tion, but when the 35mm theater’s
dining and entertainment destina- and family. We follow the joys and how to dance with a woman, Bharat future is threatened, they must
tion in Northwest Dallas.” tribulations of career-driven sisters glimpses a world of possibilities he struggle to maintain their new con-
“We are excited to continue our Maryam and Sam Khan, and their is eager to experience. But when he nection to cinema.