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OPINION                                                                  APRIL 28, 2023  |   The Indian Eye 10

         The San Diego Roadmap for

                  AUKUS: Hits and Misses

        ABHAY KUMAR SINGH                 of  the  AUKUS  trilateral  security   ventional submarines (SSK). The   tablished for AUKUS to oversee the
                                          pact on 15 September 2021 surprised   then French Foreign Minister Jean-  two parallel lines of efforts, namely,
           n March 2023, the US President   the global strategic community. This   Yves Le Drain called the AUKUS   SSN construction and the develop-
           along with the Prime Ministers of   was considering the fact the AUKUS   deal a stab in the back for France.   ment of advanced technologies. The
        Ithe UK and Australia, unveiled   entailed the sharing of the coveted   The announcement garnered strong   areas of cooperation in advanced
        the much-anticipated roadmap for   nuclear propulsion technology by the   reactions from China which accused   technologies were expanded to in-
        AUKUS in San Diego. The joint     US and the UK with Australia.  The   AUKUS of being a textbook example   clude the development of hyperson-
        statement envisages a multi-phased   last time the sharing of such sensitive   of nuclear proliferation. Other na-  ic technology, defense innovation,
        roadmap spanning more than two    technology happened was over six   tions, including Australia’s neighbor   information sharing and Electronic
        decades  for  the  delivery  of  nuclear   decades ago as part of the US–UK   New Zealand, expressed strong criti-  Warfare Capabilities (EWC).
        attack submarines (SSN) to Austra-  Mutual Defense Agreement of 1958.   cism of AUKUS citing nuclear prolif-  In the one year since AUKUS
        lia. The roadmap has certainly laid   The Joint Statement released on the   eration concerns in the South Pacific.  was announced, there were a num-
        to rest much of the speculations re-  announcement envisaged a shared   In the ensuing months after the   ber of initiatives and high-level visits
        garding the class of SSNs that Aus-  ambition for supporting Australia to   announcement, Australia, the UK   that laid the foundation for build-
        tralia would opt for, the time-frame   acquire SSNs for its Royal Australian   and US made swift headways in es-  ing Australia’s capacity to build and
        for the delivery and development of   Navy (RAN). Also, cooperation in   tablishing a cooperative framework   operated SSNs. For training RAN’s
        the industrial ecosystem for the con-  the development of advanced tech-  for achieving AUKUS objectives.   officers  aboard  American  SSNs,
        struction of these SSNs. Despite a   nologies  like  Artificial  Intelligence   On 22 November 2021, these three   the  Australia–US  Submarine  Offi-
        concrete roadmap being presented   (AI), quantum technologies, under-  countries  signed  a  legally  binding   cers Pipeline Act was introduced in
        in  San  Diego,  there  are  significant   sea capabilities and cyber capabilities   agreement  known  as  the  Exchange   the US Congress on 15 June 2022.
        uncertainties that persist considering   was pledged.               of Naval  Propulsion Information   Meanwhile, the relations between
        the long time-frame, the enormity     The announcement of AUKUS     Agreement (ENNPIA). This agree-   France and Australia have consid-
        of the economic investment and the   resulted in a diplomatic spat between   ment set the stage for the sharing   erably improved. In June 2022, the
        transfer of sensitive technology that   Australia and France as it led to the   of critical information pertaining to   Albanese  Government  announced
        the project demands.              scrapping of their multi-billion-dol-  naval nuclear propulsion. By April   an AUD 585 million settlement with
            The spontaneous announcement   lar deal for the construction of con-  2022, a governance structure was es-  Continued on next page... >>

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