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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline APRIL 21, 2023 | The Indian Eye 28
Dev Darshan Senior Center
Hosts Spectacular Inaugural Ceremony
Chicago, IL
new and unique organization,
specializing in senior and el-
A derly social care, the Dev
Darshan Senior Care Center, hosted
its Inauguration ceremony on March
Saturday 25th 2023 at venue Manav
Seva Mandir, Bensenville, IL.
Speaking passionately about Dev
Darshan Senior Center, Founder
President Hema Shastri said, “This is
no less than a dream come true…a
Dream that her late Father-in-law
had dreamt in 2006.” Delighted, she
introduced the Executive committee:
Founder President: Hema Shastri,
Vice President: Gira Ethindra, Trea- Carmen Olesch
surer: Devesh Shastri, Members:
Abhi Trivedi, Alka Sharma, Deepa Amal McCaskill, former professional NBA Basketball player with Gautami Roy, Hema Shastri, -presenting Kathak Dance performance
Sawant, Jignaben Thakkar, Kashy- Devesh Shastri, Darshan Shastri & Mika Shastri
ap Desai, Meena Sawant, Neelam Jalaram Temple where he served as
Desai, Nikhil Shah, Veena Mayani, the Acharya and trustee until his de-
Veerindrajeet Sangha, Vinita Gula- mise in 2017.
bani, Vishnu Mahadeshwar; Advi- Soon it was time for the beautiful
sory Group: Ajeet Singh, Ajit Pant, renditions of the American anthem
Dr. Ashok Shah, Dr. Bharat Barai, by Sanika Sahu escorted by Darshan
Dr. Kamlesh Amin, Dr. Rasik Shah, Shastri and the Indian anthem by
Dr. Vijay Prabhakar, Jasbir Suga, Bharti Desai and Hema Shastri. The
Mukesh Shah, Vandana Jhingan; Guest of Honor and Keynote Speak-
Volunteer committee: Mika Shastri, er, Congressman Raja Krishnamoor-
Lakshman Swamy, Jyoti Shirahatti, thi congratulated Hema Shastri and
Anica Dubey, Pushpa Surati, Chris Team Dev Darshan for the new
Olesch, Carmen Olesch, Amit Desai, beginnings and stressed upon that
Nita Patel, Miteshbhai. one of the most important peoples
This was indeed a special eve- in our lives are our parents and this
ning, when the entire Dev Darshan senior center will definitely make a
team geared to host its first event difference in their social health and
ever, the Inaugural ceremony. The well-being.
Manav Seva Mandir auditorium US Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi with Founder Hema Shastri and husband Devesh Shastri The evening was full of enter-
was jam packed with an audience of tainment for the guests, that included
around 400. The social hour during truly be themselves. Where friends Advisory Committee Members were beautiful Bollywood dances, Bharat-
dinner and meet & greet had a beau- can become family.” invited to join the Shastri family – natyam style - Achyutam Keshavam
tiful Flute performance by Raju To honor the inspiration behind Hema and Devesh Shastri, Dr Rasik by Pika Munshi and a Bollywood
Bankapur, a very talented artist. Mas- the Dev Darshan Senior Center, a Shah, Dr Bharat Barai, Mrs Panna Kathak inspired -Bollywood fusion
ter of the Ceremony, Richa Chand in beautiful commemoration ceremony Barai, Ajeet Singh, Dr Ajit Pant, Dr dance by Carmen Olesch and beau-
her Opening Speech welcomed the was conducted for PARAMPUJYA Kamlesh Amin. tiful songs were sung by Sanika Sahu
guests and presented Dev Darshan Late Dr C.L Shastri by the Shastri Dr C L Shastriji, a very well-re- and Swapnil Sahu. But the main high-
Mission Statement, “The purpose of family led by Hema Shastri, Devesh spected priest and a well-known per- light was the Bollywood Musical Ex-
DDSC (Dev Darshan Senior Cen- Shastri, Mika Shastri, and Darshan sonality of Chicago, was born in 1927. travaganza by the Special Guest Art-
ter) is to uplift senior citizens’ lives Thomas along with the other mem- He started learning Sanskrit from the ists Sammy and Gautami, who flew
by providing a variety of programs bers of the Shastri family. Guruji tender age of 4 yrs old, making him from Texas to join the Dev Darshan
such as yoga exercises, birthday cel- Nilkanth Shukla Batukbhai and Anu very fluent in our ancient language of Senior Center Inauguration ceremo-
ebrations, musical events, picnics, Malhotra, a certified yoga teacher Sanskrit. Shastriji always promoted ny. The star singers sang all the hit
educational and notable speakers and president of Mindful Medita- Manav Seva Mandir’s expansion & new and old Bollywood numbers and
and much more. A place where all tion yoga, chanted mantras for peace educated all worshippers of our Ve- serenaded the cheering crowd with
senior members from different eth- and prosperity for all, followed by dic heritage. He served as the main their charismatic presence and sing-
nic groups can come together, make the DEEP LIGHTING CEREMO- priest at Manav Seva Mandir up till ing talent! A truly melodious evening
friends, enjoy, have a good time and NY and for which the Dev Darshan 2008. In 2008, he also established for all!