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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 21, 2023  |   The Indian Eye 26

        Mayor Eric Adams and Dy Commissioner Dilip

         Chauhan attend Ugadi festival hosted by TLCA

                                                    together and work for
                                                    the overall progress of
                                                    the region.  He said Telu-
                                                    gu community is blessed
        OUR BUREAU                        with high ranked Doctors, Engineers,
                                          Software professionals contribut-
        New York, NY
                                          ing to the economic development of
              ELUGU LITERARY AND          the region.  He assured full support
              CULTURAL ASSOCIATION        from his Office for any requests from
        T(TLCA) celebrated its  annu-     TLCA.
        al Ugadi festival on April 1, 2023, at   Deputy commissioner, Mr. Dilip
        Hindu Temple Auditorium, Flushing,   Chauhan, said he has been associated   goal of TLCA to nurture and pass on   auspicious for all the Telugus in the
        NY, under the leadership of TLCA   with the Telugu community in New   the rich Telugu culture to the genera-  community with these celebrations.
        president Mr. Nehru Kataru. Vice   York City and Long Island for de-  tions and every year Gurus and par-  He praised the parents of the budding
        President  Mr.  Kiran  Parvatala,  and   cades.  He said the community is very   ents from this region strive to train the   young generation for their devotion
        the Secretary Mr. Sumanth Ramset-  humble, peaceful and lives in harmo-  children for the programs.   A myth-  to the Telugu culture and nurturing it
        ty, TLCA Board of Trustees Charmin   ny.  The Special guest of the evening,   ological drama MAYA JOODAM,   in the children.  He thanked the Ex-
        Dr. Prasad Ankineedu, Secretary Mr.   actress, Ms. Laya, honored the Mayor   snippet from the epic Mahabharata, a   ecutive Committee who worked hard
        Nagendra Gupta, Treasurer Mr. Rao   and the Deputy Commissioner with   dance-drama based on the theme of   for  more  than  two  months  to  make
        Voleti, Past Chairman’s Mr. Krishna   traditional shawls and bouquets.  Ugadi, poem recitals,  classical danc-  the celebrations a grand success.  He
        Maddipatla, Mr. Venkatesh Mutyala,    Ugadi is a Spring festival cel-  es and popular numbers from Telugu   said the poetry recital was a new fea-
        Dr. Purna Atluri, and many life trust-  ebrating the start of Telugu New   movies were the prime attractions.     ture introduced this year and prom-
        ees attended the event.           Year.  Each  Telugu  year  is  given  a   Guests relished authentic festival food   ised many more during his tenure to
            The highlight of the show was   name and the year 2023-24 is named   and delicacies bought from India.  encourage the youth.  He expressed
        the gracing of New York City Mayor   Shubhakruth.  More than 500 guests   President Nehru Kataru vehe-  his whole hearted thanks to the do-
        Eric Adams, the Chief Guest of the   attended the grand celebrations in   mently thanked the mayor for his   nors  without  whose  support  these
        day.  It was the most exciting experi-  traditional attire.  TLCA is one of the   esteemed presence, inspiring speech   events would not have been possible.
        ence for the community as this is the   oldest Telugu associations in North   and his assurance for any support.     The Chairman, Mr. Ankineedu
        first ever visit by a Mayor of the City   America and has been promoting   He thanked Mr.  Dilip Chauhan for   Prasad Nannapaneni explained the
        to the TLCA celebrations.  Mr. Dilip   Telugu literature and culture in the   his efforts in making the dream of   efforts of TLCA for over 5 decades
        Chauhan, Deputy Commissioner for   New York Tristate region for the past   bringing the Mayor to a TLCA event   in preserving and promoting the
        Trade, Investment and Innovation in-  52 years.  On Saturday, April1, 2023,   a reality.  Mr. Kataru said, the com-  Telugu culture and passing on to the
        troduced the mayor and explained the   the  organization  celebrated  Ugadi   munity treats Mr. Dilip Chauhan as   next generations.  It provides a pop-
        initiatives of the mayor for bettering   and Sreeramanavami festivals togeth-  part of the family for his continued   ular platform to show case the young
        the lives of every New Yorker.  Speak-  er at the Ganesh Temple auditorium   encouragement for decades.   talent.  TLCA encourages artists, art
        ing on the occasion, Adams congrat-  in Flushing, New York              President Nehru Kataru said   forms, Literature by bringing eminent
        ulated the President Nehru Kataru     A strong contingent of 140 plus   the Executive Committee under the   artists from all over the world.
        for the wonderful show put up by his   children and adults presented songs,   guidance of the Chairman Ankineed   Secretary Sumanth Ramisetty,
        team. Mr. Adams said it is always in   dance and drama  items  showcasing   Prasad  Napaneni  and  the  Board  of   presented vote of thanks and thanked
        his agenda to promote diversity and   the Telugu culture, mythology and his-  Trustees, worked hard to mark the   the overwhelming response from the
        encourage the communities to come   tory enthralling the audience. It is the   beginning of the Telugu New Year   community.

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