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BUSINESS EYE APRIL 15, 2022 | The Indian Eye 47
Tech T@lk
Facebook halts its F8 apple to provide new Face ID
developer conference to focus repair option for iPhone x
on Metaverse merican tech giant Apple is part of the display assembly, more on
adding a TrueDepth camera that later), dot projector, ‘TrueDepth’
eta, the company former- at every stage - with other companies, Arepair option for easier Face front camera, and an IR camera.
ly known as Facebook, on creators and developers like you.” ID repairs to its iPhone X users. As The flood illuminator is a part of
MWednesday, announced Meta is scheduled to organise per The Verge, Apple reportedly will the display assembly, separate from
their decision of pausing the F8 de- ‘Connect’ event later this year, where soon provide a new Face ID repair op- the TrueDepth camera module. Fail-
veloper conference in 2022 as it they are to announce and share the tion for iPhone X that doesn’t involve ure to properly transfer it during a
gears up for new initiatives towards latest on the company’s VR, AR, and replacing the whole device. “The op- screen replacement previously would
metaverse. Instead, Meta will orga- metaverse platform offerings. While tion comes after Apple’s recent shift mean permanently losing Face ID.
nise its inaugural business messaging Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg previous- to soon provide a TrueDepth Camera The Verge describes that if any of
event called ‘Conversations’, which ly said that the company would invest service option that can fix the face these components malfunction, one
will be virtually held on May 19, re- around USD 10 billion in metaverse unlock feature of the 2018 iPhone could lose the face unlock feature and
ported The Verge. Meta is pausing projects for 2021, it reportedly suffered XS and newer models but didn’t pre- have to resort to entering a password.
F8 this year “while we gear up on a loss of USD 10.2 billion on a revenue viously include the 2017 iPhone X,” In that case, either the user with
new initiatives that are all tailored of USD 2.27 billion. Several other big reported The Verge. an AppleCare warranty will swap the
towards the next chapter of the inter- tech companies are also progressing This decision by the company whole device with a like-new refur-
net, and the next chapter of our com- for the same. Google I/O will take comes as a piece of good news to all bished replacement or will have to pur-
pany too: building the metaverse,” place on May 11 and 12, while Ap- those still carrying the 2017 iPhone chase a new gadget. But, most iPhone
Diego Duarte Moreira, director of ple’s Worldwide Developers Confer- model and also living with dysfunc- X users today probably don’t have
developer and start-ups programs for ence 2022 is set for June 6 through 10. tional Face ID. an active AppleCare warranty since
Facebook, wrote in a blog post. While both of these events would Repairing just the Face ID com- the device’s 2018 discontinuation.
He added, “Similar to the ear- be held online, IFA 2022 is set to be ponent can be difficult since it’s a So, the conclusion says that the
ly stages of the web, building the an in-person event in early Septem- little complex system involving four new feature will bring a good sort of
metaverse will be a collaborative effort ber this year. components: a flood illuminator (a relief to iPhone X users.