Page 46 - The Indian EYE 041522
P. 46

BUSINESS EYE                                                             APRIL 15, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 46

                      India says it stabilizing ties

          with russia as economy faces oil

                                     and gas challenges

                 India, the world’s third largest oil importer, says it is examining ways to release

                               crude from its national inventory to calm rising global prices

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            hood by Rs 2.50 per kg, the second
                                                                                                              increase in as many days, because of
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              a two-fold rise in the price of domes-
            ndia is focused on stabilising its                                                                tic natural gas. The latest increase
            economic ties with Russia and                                                                     has made CNG costlier by more than
        Iis working to devise a payment                                                                       Rs 9 per kg in six days, which is ex-
        mechanism to settle trade amid                                                                        pected to set off a clamor for higher
        Western  sanctions  against  Moscow                                                                   fares from bus, auto, taxi and goods
        for its invasion of Ukraine, the for-                                                                 transport operators.
        eign ministry said on Thursday. India                                                                     Costlier CNG in NCR could
        has called for an end to violence in                                                                  also impact the prices of daily sta-
        Ukraine but refrained from outright                                                                   ples, especially vegetables as these
        condemnation of Russia, with which                                                                    are brought in from Delhi’s neigh-
        it has long-standing political and se-                                                                borhood and distributed in the city in
        curity ties.                                                                                          CNG vehicles.
                                                                                                                  The sharp rise in domestic gas
        “we have an etablished econom-                                                                        price -- from $2.9 to $6.10 per unit
                                                                                                              (million British thermal unit) -- in
        ic  relation  with  russia.  given    Congress Party supporters stage a demonstration against the Central Government over    accordance  with  the  Centre’s 2014

        the current circumstance post      the hike in the prices of fuel and LPG cylinders in front of Indian Oil Bhawan, Eastern Regional   pricing formula has also forced CNG
                                                                                                              and PNG operators in cities such as
                                                                   office, in Kolkata (ANI)
        development in ukraine, I think                                                                       Mumbai and Gujarat to jack up re-
        there is an effort by both sides   ordered at least 16 million barrels of   the United States contributing half,  tail prices.
                                                                            in a bid to cool oil prices after Rus-
                                                                                                                  Further increase in prices can-
                                          cheaper Russian oil, similar to pur-
        to  ensure that  this  economic   chases for the whole of 2021, accord-  sia’s invasion of Ukraine.   not be ruled out. People aware of
                                                                                India joined other major con-
        relationship remains stable,”     ing to Reuters calculations. During   sumers to release 5 million barrels   the matter said there is still a gap
                                                                                                              of about Rs 7-8 per kg between the
                                          a  visit  to  New Delhi  at  the  end  of
        ministry spokesperson arindam     March,  a  top  US  official  said  the   of oil from its strategic petroleum   retail price of CNG and IGL’s cost
        Bagchi told a news conference.    United States did not want to see a   reserves in November to contain in-  of natural gas, the raw material for
                                          “rapid acceleration” in India’s oil im-  flationary pressures. The minister of   CNG and PNG (piped natural gas)
                                          ports from Russia.                state for finance had said last month   services. The gap for PNG is estimat-
           “It is not talking about increas-  Meanwhile, India, the world’s   the government was “committed to   ed at Rs 3-4 on each unit (standard is about stabilising it because   third  largest  oil  importer,  said  on   supporting initiatives for releases   cubic meters). But all agreed that it
        this (economic) relationship exists   Thursday it was examining ways to   from strategic petroleum reserves.”  will be impossible for IGL to pass on
        and it’s in our interest to make sure   support decisions by the Internation-  Oil futures fell sharply on   the entire burden to consumers. This
        some  of  this  economic  activity  con-  al Energy Agency (IEA) member   Wednesday after large consuming   will put IGL in a piquant situation be-
        tinues, and we are trying to see how   countries to release crude from their   nations said they would release oil   cause of a sharp uptick in CNG sales.
        we can keep that stable,” Bagchi said.  national inventories to calm rising   from reserves to counter tightening   Currently, domestic gas covers
            Before the Ukraine war, Indian   global prices. “In the interest of col-  supply, pushing crude futures to their   70-80% of IGL’s CNG sales. The
        refiners  rarely  bought  Russian  oil   laborating with likeminded countries   lowest closing levels in three weeks.  company is meeting additional de-
        due to high freight costs. Western   on these positive initiatives, govern-  Crude continued its fall on   mand with imported gas from the
        sanctions have seen many importers   ment of India is examining what it   Thursday amid uncertainty that the   spot market. This can cost anywhere
        shunning trade with Moscow, de-   can do to support these actions,” the   Eurozone will be able to effectively   between 3-4 times the domestic sup-
        pressing  its  crude  prices  to  record   energy hungry nation said,  without   sanction Russian energy exports.   plies, especially since international
        discount levels, which prompted In-  elaborating.                       In a related development, In-  prices have gone up by near-40%
        dian companies to step in.            The IEA on Wednesday said its   draprastha  Gas  Ltd  (IGL)  raised   due  to  the  Russia-Ukraine  conflict.
            Since Russia  invaded  Ukraine   member countries had agreed to re-  CNG (compressed natural gas) pric-  As demand rises further, the squeeze
        on February 24, Indian refiners have   lease 120 million barrels of oil, with   es in the Capital and its neighbor-  will get harder for IGL.

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