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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                        APRIL 14, 2023  |   The Indian Eye 31

                    Tough Times Create

                               STRONG MEN

                   Easy Time Creates Weak Men; Weak Men Creates Tough Times

                   HIRAV SHAH

             rom the work point of view, say
             if everything is just okay and
        Fstable and fine, then there is no
        hunger left. And this creates weaker
        men because there is just so little to
            Tough times never last. Tough
        times give birth to tough people.   The planet is heading head-first towards a doom it is not ready for. The present generation is in no way ready to manage any sort of a calamity
        And tough people last. Yes, they do.                                 of epic proportions (Representative photo)
        Hence, you should actually be thank-
        ful for your tough times.         en that, when times will be tougher,   tential through it. All of us are living   easy and not active and not trying
            However, just the opposite hap-  people will get stronger.      in a time of weak men!            hard and not experimenting and not
        pens when times are easy. Easier      From the business point of view,   From the work point of view,   experiencing, then it’s obvious that
        times create weak men. This is be-  if your business sees problems, is-  say if everything is just okay and sta-  tougher times are going to come cer-
        cause  there  is  no  need  to  fight  any   sues, challenges, complications and   ble and fine, then there is no hunger   tainly in future. For sure…
        hindrance or hurdle or stumbling   impediments, and if you manage to   left. And this creates weaker men be-
        block  or  difficulty  or  barrier.  And   fight  through  it  then,  you  become   cause there is just so little to achieve.  Final Thoughts
        weak men give rise to tough times   more courageous, powerful, tougher                                • So, is there light?
        and thus it forms a cycle.        and  stronger  which  means  tougher        Weak men                • Yes, there is.
                                          times in business will create stronger   he planet is heading head-first
                  Tough times             men in business.                        towards a doom it is not ready    ou must all wake up from
                                                                                                                    the self-induced slumber of
              hink of the times exactly a                                   Tfor. The present generation is   Yself-happiness and create an
              century ago. The planet was                                   in no way ready to manage any sort of
        Tslowly recovering from one                 Good times              a calamity of epic proportions, be it   ecosystem where the common good
                                                                                                              of the people and the society and the
        of the most dreaded wars it has ever    he above line accurately de-  natural (global warming, ozone layer   businesses are above everything. That
        witnessed. The economy of the world     scribes the present generation.   depletion, deforestation etc.) or man-  is the only way you can evade “hard
        was in a turmoil, coping from a loss of  TToday’s youngsters are drown-  made (depletion of resources leading   times” in the future.
        epic proportions.                 ing in a pool of pleasure including fast   to oil and water war or population   Don’t wait for extraordinary op-
            In a few years, folks even fought   food, smartphones and video games.   explosion or pollution or crime or
        the great depression among other   This generation mostly won’t face real   terrorism). This generation is going   portunities. Seize common occasions
                                                                                                              and make them great. The weak wait
        things. The difficult times then taught   hardship or in any way be equipped   to perish very fast, bringing down ev-  for occasions; The strong make them.
        folks to be iron-clad and stronger   to handle a sudden calamity.   erything they have ever made, paving
        for days to come. People fought all   They could be the most educated   way to tougher times in future.
        damn diversities and kept their strug-  generation any one in their age has   From the work’s standpoint,   The writer is a well-known
        gle alive. They became stronger and   ever  been  in  history,  but  very  little   when you are not striving and when   Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer
        determined and this is hence a giv-  did they strive to reach their full po-  you  are just  extremely  relaxed  and   Email: [email protected]

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