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BUSINESS EYE                                                             APRIL 14, 2023  |   The Indian Eye 30

                                                              TECH T@LK

               WhatsApp developing                                                             Apple might

              chat security with new                                                    launch affordable

                           lock feature                                                       iPhone SE 4

              he popular messaging plat-      The lock chat function also pre-  f reports are to be believed, the   change as it transitions from a little,
              form WhatsApp is apparent-  vents images and videos from being   price of iPhone 15 Pro in the US   iPhone 8-like design to a larger, 6.1-
        Tly developing a new feature      automatically stored in the device’s  Imight shoot up in the coming   inch BOE OLED display. The 4.7-
        termed the Lock Chat. According to   gallery when they are sent in a locked   days.  If  that  happens,  it  will  be  the   inch screen of the iPhone SE 3 is its
        Mashable website, the beta version of   chat.                       first time that the price of the iPhone   current size.
        Android is now being used to test the   Users can feel more secure   15 Pro has risen, since the release   Thus, the new iPhone SE 4 will
        functionality.                    knowing that this extra layer of secu-  of the iPhone X. Nonetheless, the   be comparable in size to the iPhone
            This indicates that WhatsApp   rity can stop sensitive media from be-  iPhone SE 4 can be the ideal choice   13 and iPhone 14. Moreover, it will
        has not made it available to a larger   ing read by anybody but the intended   if you want a new Apple iPhone but   have a notch design and thinner be-
        audience.                         receiver.                         don’t want to spend a lot of money.  zels than before.
            Users should be able to lock      There is no release date set      Although scheduled to be re-
        their private conversations inside the   yet  for  the  Lock  chat  functionality,   leased in 2024, the iPhone SE 4 is  The iPhone SE 4 is anticipated
        chat’s contact or group information   which is still under development.   already making headlines. Accord-  to drop Touch ID in favor of Face
        thanks to the new functionality. This   Yet, this function allows users more   ing  to  the  Mashable  website,  the
        increases users’ privacy and security   control over their chats and material   iPhone SE is anticipated to become  ID, according to Mashable. In
        by giving them total control over who   and represents a big improvement in   a less expensive alternative to the   addition, the source stated that
        can see their private conversations.  WhatsApp’s privacy.           premium iPhone series, just like its
            The user will be requested to     It’s important to note that   predecessor, the iPhone SE 2022.  the iPhone SE 4 might receive
        clear the chat before viewing it if   WhatsApp has recently been con-  Furthermore, it may compete with   an A16 Bionic CPU from the iP-
        someone tries to use their phone   cerned about privacy and security,   the incoming Google Pixel 7a. Ac-
        without giving the required creden-  particularly in the wake of the instal-  cording to reports, the iPhone SE 4  hone 14 Pro models in 2019.
        tials.                            lation of new privacy standards.   is  anticipated  to  make  a  significant

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