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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  APRIL 14, 2023  |   The Indian Eye 16

                     Indian Consulate and GOPIO Manhattan

          Organize ‘Meet & Greet’ for Students from IndiA

        OUR BUREAU
        Manhattan, NY
              he Consulate General of India
              in New York in cooperation
        Twith GOPIO Manhattan orga-
        nized the ‘Meet and Greet Students
        from India’ studying in the Northeast
        to connect them to the community
        and  providing mentoring  opportuni-
        ties as well as to raise awareness of
        Consular services to students from
        the Consulate. Students from many
        universities across the Northeast par-         Consul General Randhir Kumar Jaiswal and GOPIO Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham addressing the students
        ticipated in person and via Facebook
        Live at the event hosted by the Indian
        Consulate on March 31, 2023.
            The program started with a wel-
        come by Dr. Varun Jeph, Deputy
        Consul General with his welcome to
        the 135+ students in attendance and
        many more online.  He summarized
        the event introducing the speakers
        and the topics that will be discussed
        by  them  and  informed  the  services
        offered by the Consulate to the Stu-
        dents.  He invited the students Con-
        sul General of India at New York Mr.
        Randhir Kumar Jaiswal to begin the
        evening’s proceedings.
            The  host for the evening,  Con-
        sul General Randhir Kumar Jaiswal,                               Speakers and organizers at the ‘Students Meet & Greet’
        commented, “Namaste to all Young
        friends. A very warm welcome to the  With the advancement of technolo-  and Associate Professor of Tech, Ops,  to retain and touch that Indian cultur-
        Consulate, your Home and my office.”  gies and ease of communication and  and Stats at the NYU Stern School of  al experience.  She indulged the panel
            He further highlighted there are  growth in students, there is no more  Business, moderated the panel start-  to assist students in formulating their
        two sets of students we deal with, one  such need of host families. Starting  ing with giving each speaker a min  choices of major and career path.
        that are here and the others that come  in 2021 and following session in Oct  to talk about their background.  He   Dr. Bernadine Waller, Columbia
        here from India.  This Student Meet  2022, and today, we are hosting these  channeled the conversations across  University  “reflected  on  the  mental
        & Greet is an effort in the direction  sessions to connect you with the com-  the topics of immigration to job  health issues ranging from anxiety to
        of you connecting with each other and  munity, professional achievers and  search to internships, teaching assis-  depression  and all  in between.   She
        being there as you grow in this new  the Consulate for help with issues or  tantships etc. with the fellow speakers  highlighted the various reasons the
        land of opportunities.  We are the  in case of emergency.  He noted the  and engaged the audience.  He shared  stresses  that  are  faced  by  Students
        fifth  largest  economy  and  climbing  number of students across Columbia,  his experiences with the students and  such as job search, internship search,

        to become the third largest economy.  NYU, Pace, SUNY Bufallo, Touro  said, “Wear different hats, multi-task,  competitiveness, loneliness etc.  The
        He added that there are 1 million stu-  College, UPenn, NJIT and other uni-  go out of your comfort zone, explore  optimal way to deal with it is “One
        dents among the 34 million diaspora  versities represented in the room.”  and discover.”              Bite At A Time.”
        are going to play a very important role   GOPIO Manhattan Co Secretary   Ms. Sanjyot Dunung, CEO &        Mr. Shivender Sofat, President
        in that and be the real champions.”  and Chair for the event and emcee  Founder of Atma Global, shared her  GOPIO-Manhattan, who joined virtu-
            Consulate  official  Ms.  Satpadi  Ms. Bhavya Gupta then introduced  experiences with the students about  ally told the importance of mentoring
        Tagore invited GOPIO International  and invited the panelists for the eve-  her journey from India to England to  to the students, discussed chapter ac-
        Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham for  ning Mr. Akshat Tewary, an immigra-  Chicago as she experienced the cul-  tivities and motivated everyone to vol-
        his remarks.  Dr. Abraham serves as  tion attorney, Ms. Sanjyot Dunung,  ture shifts.  She added that it doesn’t  unteer and become members at future
        an advisor to GOPIO-Manhattan  CEO & Founder of Atma Global,  necessarily matter at what age you  events held by GOPIO Manhattan.
        and started with “Namaskar and ad-  Moderator Prof Srikant Jagabathula  move to a new country.  The concept   Mr. Siddharth Jain, GOPIO
        dressed the students by reflecting on  from NYU, Mr. Anthony Irudhyana-  of culture shock, learning new values,  Manhattan Board Member conclud-
        his journey fifty years ago with an ex-  than, President Zillion Technologies  attitudes, understanding how people  ed with a quote from Rumi:  “It’s your
        ample that a simple phone call back  and Prof. Rajashekar Vangapaty.  do things, can be startling at the very  road, and yours alone, others may
        home would cost around $3/minute.     Mr. Srikanth Jagabathula, Rob-  beginning.  She bridged the two cul-  walk it with you, but no one can walk

        There was a concept of host families.  ert Stansky Research Faculty Fellow  tures with every summer trip to India  it for you.”

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