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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                        APRIL 03, 2023  |   The Indian Eye 28

                            Become an Underdog:

                  The Strategy for 2023

                 PRACTICE in PRIVATE and get REWARDED in PUBLIC

                   HIRAV SHAH

                 hat is an Underdog: An
                 underdog is a person who
        Wlooks          insignificant,   re-
        source-constrained and vulnerable
        compared to his larger rival.

        Like  in sports, the  audiences               Both Dravid and Laxman made India win in numerous situations, and even in the toughest of times (File photo)
        tend to cheer for the underdog

        even  while giving them  poor     brand value and resources could be   look at him, he did everything in pri-  er to be recognized as worthy of be-
                                                                            vate without much hue and cry and
                                          the disadvantages. Even the media
                                                                                                              ing in the team, even though he was
        odds to win. However, the un-     hype could be lesser, and this could   today he is one of the world’s most   stuck on the JV squad.
                                                                                                                  Was he looking for the approv-
        derdog indeed has advantages      be a disadvantage, at least that’s   influential industrialists and philan-  al of the coach? Was he looking for
                                          what most people think.
        which may not be at first obvi-   Examples Of The Most Famous                                         fans’ adoration? Who knows... But
        ous from the outside.                                                   Rahul Dravid and VVS Lax-     that kick and that dedication was
                                            Underdogs in Business and       man:  They have always been under-  what helped him move from some-
                                                   Sports World:            dogs, throughout their Cricketing   one with great natural talents to
            Advantages Of Being an Under-                                   careers. While they got less hype   the greatest basketball legend ever.
        dog: The biggest advantage is that,   Ratan Tata: Though he re-     from the media and audiences alike,   “Practicing in private, without much
        the world won’t be able to know   mained an underdog all his life, he   the followers and fans of cricket   noise is the takeaway here”…
        what the underdog is capable of,   had certain traits which he convert-  were mostly taken by surprise with   Final Thoughts:
        to what extent he can perform and   ed into superpowers and today the   the end results.                  Practicing in private might not
        what he is capable of delivering.   former chairman of Tata Sons is one   Both Dravid and Laxman made   make perfect. But that perfect prac-
            Also, an underdog has pretty   of the most influential industrialists   India win  in numerous situations,
        much nothing to lose. No one blames   or we can say one of the most influ-  and even in the toughest of times.   tice will get you closer to perfection,
                                                                                                              so that in the future you are show-
        an underdog when he makes little   ential people on the planet.     Best examples of Underdogs indeed   ered with rewards.
        improvements, even if he doesn’t      Do you know what is common    were they.                            Hence,  2023’s  Strategy  is
        solve the entire problem. At least he   in between Azim Premji and Ratan   And  do you know what was   this–”Practice in private and get re-
        tried, right.                     Tata—”Working Hard In Private”    common in between Dravid and      warded in public, which is The Un-
            Disadvantages Of Being an                                       Laxman—”Practicing in Private”.
        Underdog: The underdog’s biggest      Founder and Chairman of Wi-                                     derdog Advantage”.
        dilemma or the greatest threat is to   pro, Azim Premji: He is arguably   Michael Jordan: When he start-
        become the top dog. Yes.          Asia’s biggest philanthropist but has   ed out, he wanted to be on the Var-  The writer is a well-known Astro
            A lack of funding, lesser con-  remained an underdog all his life,   sity team so badly that, in private, he   Strategist and Business Astrologer
        sumers, fewer customers, lesser   without  much  media coverage,  but   worked harder and harder and hard-  Email: [email protected]

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