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BUSINESS EYE APRIL 03, 2023 | The Indian Eye 27
Mind-control robots could WhatsApp
be a reality: Research introduces new features
esearchers from the University hand-gesture recognition redundant,” for groups
of Technology Sydney (UTS) “By using cutting edge graphene
Rhave developed biosensor material, combined with silicon,
technology that will allow you to op- we were able to overcome issues n Tuesday, Mark Zuckerberg This will help admins to decide
erate devices, such as robots and ma- of corrosion, durability and skin announced two new updates whether a person can join a group or
chines, solely through thought control. contact resistance, to develop the Ofor WhatsApp groups. not. The importance of this tool lies
The advanced brain-computer wearable dry sensors,” she said. With the new updates, admins in that groups are where people have
interface was developed by Distin- The hexagon patterned sensors will get more control over their group some of their most intimate conver-
guished Professor Chin-Teng Lin and are positioned over the back of the privacy. sations, and, therefore, it is import-
Professor Francesca Iacopi, from the scalp, to detect brainwaves from the These changes follow some up- ant for admins to be able to decide
UTS Faculty of Engineering and IT, visual cortex. The sensors are resilient dates made over the last few months, easily who can be a member and who
in collaboration with the Australian to harsh conditions so they can be used including making groups larger, and cannot come in.
Army and Defence Innovation Hub. in extreme operating environments. giving admins the ability to delete Easily see groups in common
As well as defence applications, the The user wears a head-mounted messages sent in the groups they With the growth of Communities
technology has significant potential in augmented reality lens which displays manage. and their larger groups, WhatsApp
fields such as advanced manufactur- white flickering squares. By concen- “Groups continue to be an es- wants to make it easy to know which
ing, aerospace and healthcare -- for trating on a particular square, the sential part of WhatsApp, and we’re groups users have in common with
example allowing people with a dis- brainwaves of the operator are picked excited to give people even more someone. Whether you’re trying to
ability to control a wheelchair or op- up by the biosensor, and a decoder tools to get the most out of groups. remember the name of a group you
erate prosthetics. translates the signal into commands. Today, we’re excited to roll out a few know you share with someone or you
“The hands-free, voice-free The technology was recent- new changes we’ve made to make want to see the groups you’re both in,
technology works outside labora- ly demonstrated by the Australian these more manageable for admins you can now easily search a contact’s
tory settings, anytime, anywhere. Army, where soldiers operated a and easier to navigate for everyone,” name to see your groups in common.
It makes interfaces such as con- Ghost Robotics quadruped robot us- Meta’s statement read. These features will start rolling
soles, keyboards, touchscreens and ing the brain-machine interface. Admins to decide who can join: out globally over the coming weeks.