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Business EYE                                                                APRIL 02, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          42

                                            BooM TiMe, again!

         exports, GsT and fuel consumption

                                              see major growth

              Imports during 2020-21 contracted by 18 per cent to $388.92 billion compared to

                                                      $474.71 billion during 2019-20

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    lections rising 14% during the

        New Delhi                                                                                                     March quarter compared to
                                                                                                                      8% during October-December
            ndia’s exports jumped by                                                                                  2020.  During  the  first  half  of
            58.23 per cent to $34 billion,                                                                            2020-21, GST collections had
        Ithe highest ever reached in                                                                                  declined  following  the  lock-
        a month, in March as key sec-                                                                                 down.
        tors such as engineering, gems                                                                                    “It   (collection     growth)
        and jewelry and pharmaceuti-                                                                                  clearly shows a sustained eco-
        cals recorded healthy growth                                                                                  nomic recovery and  also  is  a
        rate during the month, accord-                                                                                result of GST audit closures
        ing to the commerce minis-                                                                                    and the government tightening
        try’s provisional data. Exports                                                                               compliance  and  anti-evasion
        during April-March 2020-21,                                                                                   measures,” said Pratik Jain,
        however, dipped by 7.4 per cent                                                                               who leads the indirect tax prac-
        to $290.18 billion compared to                                                                                tice at consulting firm PwC.
        $313.36 billion in 2019-20, the                                                                                   Meanwhile, oil imports
        data showed.                         Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman at the 42nd GST Council meeting (ANI)  grew by 1.22 per cent to $10.17
            Imports during 2020-21                                                                                    billion in March. During 2020-
        contracted by 18 per cent to  per cent year-on-year to $34 bil-          higher than the corresponding  21, oil imports dipped by 37 per
        $388.92 billion compared to  lion, the highest ever in Indian            period in 2020.                      cent to $82.25 billion. Non-oil
        $474.71 billion during 2019- history. PM @NarendraModi                       The impact of the coronavi- imports in March were up by
        20. In March 2020, the exports  ji’s policies have propelled In-         rus pandemic was first seen in  777.12 per cent to $37.95 bil-
        stood at $21.49 billion, showing  dian  economy  to  historic  new       February 2020 when the lock- lion. During the full fiscal, the
        a decline of about 34 per cent  heights, despite the pandemic”.          down in Wuhan resulted in a  imports  contracted by  10.89
        over March 2019 due to glob-            Federation of Indian Ex-         disruption of shipments coming  per cent to $306.67 billion.
        al slowdown induced by the  ports Organisations (FIEO)                   from China, where the deadly  Gold imports jumped to $7.17
        Covid-19 crisis.                     Director General Ajay Sahai         virus  was  first  spotted.  “GST  billion during the month under
            “India’s merchandise ex- said that despite issues related            revenues crossed above Rs 1  review.
        ports in March 2021 were $34  with container shortage and                lakh crore mark at a stretch             But a more realistic com-
        billion as compared to $21.49  movement of ships Suez Canal,             for the last six months and a  parison with March 2019 shows
        billion in March 2020, an in- the exports have crossed $290              steep increasing trend over this  demand for diesel, a bellweth-
        crease of 58.23 per cent,” the  billion. “It is extremely good           period are clear indicators of  er for economic activities, still
        ministry said in a statement. It  growth looking into COVID-19           rapid economic recovery post  falling short by nearly 5%. But
        said  that  “first  time  ever  in  a  challenges,” he said.             pandemic. Closer monitoring  petrol sales showed a growth of
        month”, exports have crossed            In another positive sign,        against fake billing, deep data  5% as people’s preference for
        $34 billion mark. Imports too  GST collections rose 27% to hit           analytics using data from mul- personal vehicles to get around
        rose by 52.89 per cent to $48.12  a record high of nearly Rs 1.24        tiple sources including GST,  continued.
        billion as against $31.47 billion  lakh crore in March, helping to       income-tax and customs IT sys-           Demand for LPG, or
        in March 2020.                       narrow  the  deficit  for  the  full   tems and effective tax adminis- household cooking gas, edged
            The trade deficit during the  financial  year  to  around  7%.       tration have also contributed to  1.3%  in  March  from  a  year
        month widened to $14.12 bil- The mop-up -- based on sales                the steady increase in tax reve- ago, while showing only mar-
        lion as against $9.98 billion in  in February 2021, for which            nue over last few months,” the  ginal growth over the same
        March 2020.                          returns were filed in March --      finance ministry said in a state- month of 2019. LPG demand
            Commerce and industry  was boosted by imports with                   ment.                                had posted sustained growth
        minister Piyush Goyal in a tweet  revenue from imported goods                Although the base  effect  through the lockdown period
        said: “Make in India, Make for  jumping 70%, while those from            will come into play in the com- as families remained confined
        the World: Merchandise ex- domestic transactions, includ-                ing  months,  there  has  been  a  within their homes, leading to
        ports in March 2021 grew by 58  ing services imports, were 17%           sustained recovery with col- more cooking.

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