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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline APRIL 02, 2021 | The Indian Eye 38
goPio, new york, celebrates culture of
india at virtual Holi Festival
Our Bureau
New York, NY
oli is the national festi-
val of colors, celebrated
Hacross India in different
forms and traditions. The cele-
bration of this colorful festival
brings people of different faiths
with diverse socio-political ide-
ologies closer. This unity in di-
versity was experienced by par-
ticipants from around the world,
representing almost all conti-
nents on Earth, as hundreds of
Indian Diaspora members came
together virtually to celebrate
the Festival of Holi on Sunday,
March 28, 2021.
With the support of the Con-
sulate General of India in New
York and organized by GOPIO
New York, the oldest and the
first Chapter of Global Organi-
zation of People of Indian Origin,
the colorful celebration of Holi Jaiswal as a veteran diplomat, his Bollywood Maharajah group popular Holi songs.
Festival showcased the rich, col- Ms. Kothari shared about with from India (Jaipur), representing Miss teen India Sidhya Ga-
orful and the vibrant traditions the audience his vast his expe- a family of 12 generations serv- nesh from the state of Washing-
of India, bringing them at the riences in foreign diplomacy ing the royals, was much appreci- ton delighted the audience with
door steps of every household, around the world. Emcee of the ated and loved by all. His mother, a live Holi Dance. Shristi Bel-
as the audience from around colorful cultural events, Shruti Begum Batool from Jaipur, a fa- waria from New Jersey, software
the world were entertained with Bekal elegantly coordinated the mous singer who is the 1st wom- engineer sang classical numbers
mesmerizing music, scintillating celebration with participants an from her community to per- with her amazing performance
dance performances and inspir- from around the world. form publicly, mesmerized the on Sitar. Renu Kundem, an IT
ing speeches. Lal Motwani, Founding Pres- audience with her beautiful voice. consultant from Canada de-
In his eloquent address to the ident of GOPIO New York and Mamtha Putaswamy, Mrs In- lighted the audience with her
Diaspora community, India’s GOPIO International Coordi- dia USA from the state of Con- melodious voice. Pallavi Verma
Consul General in New York, nator At Large, and the main necticut, performed a medley of Belwariar, a professional artist
Randhir Kumar Jaiswal greeted organizer of this global HOLI Bollywood dances from popular from New York sang a very pop-
the participants from around the celebration, in his address, greet- Hindi movies. Aparna Sreedhar ular song from the ever-green
world Holi on the occasion of ed Honorable India’s Consul from Paris presented a Bolly- Sholay movie and others. A
Holi Festival. While describing General in New York, Rand- wood Medley, mesmerizing the Holi Group Dance depicting
the historical and symbolic tradi- hir Kumar Jaiswal and officials, audience with her beautiful voice the scenes from Lord Krish-
tions of the festival of Holi, the members and leaders of GOPIO singing some of the very popular na with Radha and Gopis was
veteran diplomat said, “Holi is from around the world who have numbers from the ever-green performed by Pandit Charka’s
a very beautiful festival of color. joined virtually to celebrate the Hindi movies. Lasya Komiri- School of Dance from Ananad
A festival that helps us welcome colorful festival of Holi. We at setty, a 11 yr old of South Africa, Ashram.
spring. Holi has several conno- GOPIO New York are very hon- Guinness Book record holder Dr. Thomas Abraham,
tations, social, religious, political ored to have you with us today. for maximum performances on Chairman of GOPIO Inter-
and rhythmic with nature.” Three little children adorably world state, performed amaz- national in his greetings to the
Beena Kothari, GOPIO New shared with the audience their ingly a Kuchipudi dance. Pritesh community on the occasion
York President poetically narrat- perspectives, experiences of cel- from South Africa, an 11 yr old of Holi, he introduced and ac-
ed the importance of Holi, and ebrating Holi and what it meant from a family of musicians, mes- knowledged the leadership of
served as an emcee of the event. for them. A live Bollywood merized the audience with her the GOPIO International, rep-
While introducing Ambassador medley by Anwar Hussain and melodious voice, singling some resenting several nations.
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