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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                      APRIL 02, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          30

                                        AAPI Congratulates

        Dr. Vivek Murthy after confirmation

              by Senate as US Surgeon General

        NEERAJ DHAR                                                                                                   the  entire  world  seeks  to  find

        North America - Bureau Chief                                                                                  best possible solutions to tack-
                                                                                                                      le the pandemic that has taken
                  e   congratulate     Dr.                                                                            the lives of millions of people
                 Vivek Murthy on his                                                                                  around the world.”
       Wconfirmation  with  bi-                                                                                          “Having  a  wide  range  of
        partisan support by the United                                                                                experiences  and  passion  for
        State Senate on Tuesday, March                                                                                science-based  approach,  Dr.
        23rd, 2021 for the second time                                                                                Vivek  Murthy  will  bring  in
        as the Surgeon General of the                                                                                 new  perspectives  to  the  many
        United  States,”  Dr.  Sudhakar                                                                               healthcare issues that require
        Jonnalagadda,  President  of                                                                                  immediate  attention  and  con-
        American  Association  of  Phy-                                                                               crete  action  plan,”  said  Dr.
        sicians of Indian Origin (AAPI)                                                                               Satheesh Kathula, Treasurer of
        said.                                                                                                         AAPI.
            Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, who                                                                                      Offering fullest cooperation
        as  U.S.  Surgeon  General  un-                                                                               from the Indian American Phy-
        der  President  Obama  had                                                                                    sician community, he said, “We
        served  as  the  United  States                                                                               at AAPI, look forward to work-
        Surgeon  General  and  advo-                                                                                  ing  closely  with  Dr.  Murthy
        cated  a  “healthier  and  more                                                                               and his team to end this deadly
        compassionate  America,”  was                                                                                 pandemic.”
        confirmed last week by the US
        Senate with seven Republican                                                                                  Dr.  Murthy  43,  has  said
        Senators  joining  the  50  Dem-
        ocrats, with 57-43 votes in the                                                                               Americans need a leader
        Senate,  giving  him  bipartisan                                                                              who works with the peo-
            While  Dr.  Vivek  Murthy                                                                                 ple for the progress of the
        says  ending  the  coronavirus                                                                                country. As surgeon gen-
        pandemic  is  his  top  priority,
        he’s  also  raised  concerns  over                                                                            eral under Obama, Murthy
        a  relapsing  opioid  overdose                                                                                helped lead the national
        crisis.  “I’m  deeply  grateful  to
        be confirmed by the Senate to                                                                                 response to the Ebola and
        serve once again as your sur- for placing his trust in Dr. Mur-              While  describing  the  lead-    Zika viruses and the opi-
        geon general,” Murthy said in  thy, a member of AAPI to be               ership of Dr. Murthy as Amer-
        a statement.                         America’s top doctor.               ica’s  Doctor,  which  is  “ce- oid crisis, among other
           “We’ve endured great hard-           “The appointment and now         menting  of  the  reputation  of     health challenges.
        ship as a nation over the past  the  confirmation  by  the  US           physicians  of  Indian  origin
        year,  and  I  look  forward  to  Senate  of  Dr.  Murthy,  includ-      have  across  America,”  Dr.
        working  with  you  to  help  our  ing other experienced and com-        Anupama  Gotimukula,  Presi-             Dr.  Murthy’s  commitment
        nation heal and create a better  petent  senior  officials  to  the      dent-Elect  of  AAPI,  that  rep- to medicine and health began
        future for our children.             US  Health  Department,  will       resents over 100,000 physicians  early in life. The son of immi-
            While     offering    AAPI’s  help  round  out  Biden’s  team        of Indian origin in the United  grants  from  India,  he  discov-
        whole  hearted  support  in  his  charged  with  addressing  the         States, said, “We are proud of  ered the art of healing watching
        efforts  to  lead  the  nation  out  pressing COVID-19 crisis, that      Dr. Vivek Murthy and his many  his parents - Hallegere and My-
        of  the  Covid  pandemic  and  has  taken  over  500,000  Amer-          accomplishments and look for- etriae Murthy - treat patients
        opioid crisis, Dr. Jonnalagadda  ican  lives,”  Dr.  Sajani  Shah,       ward  to  working  together  in  like family in his father’s medi-
        thanked  President  Joe  Biden  Chair of AAPI BOT said.                  his  efforts,  as  the  nation  and  cal clinic in Miami, Florida.

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