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P. 20

North                      The Indian Eye


         20                                                                                                                             APRIL 02, 2021

                                       oak Brook village TrusTee elecTion

                              dr. suresh reddy gets key

            endorsements, including oak Brook

                                           Mayor dr lalmalani

               Immediate Past President of American Association of Physicians of

                                        Indian Origin is running for the position

        Our Bureau

            am grateful to several key
            leaders of my hometown,
        I Oak Brook, a suburb in the
        state of Illinois, including the sit-
        ting mayor and members of the
        governing body of Oak Brrook
        for endorsing and supporting
        my candidacy to be a Trustee of
        Oak Brook, as the elections to
        the town office draws close,” Dr.
        Suresh Reddy, Immediate Past
        President of American Associa-
        tion of Physicians of Indian Ori-                                                                             got involved in several alumni
        gin (AAPI) said on Thursday.
            Present Mayor of Oak                                                                                      activities and have facilitated
        Brook Dr. Gopal Lalmalani                                                                                     to raise funds to build a mil-
        and Trustee Mr. Moin Saiyed of                                                                                lion-dollar alumni educational
                                                                                                                      center for my Alma Mater.”
        Oak Brook have been strongly                                                                                      Dr. Reddy completed his
        supporting Dr. Reddy and have                                                                                 advanced medical training at
        endorsed his candidacy, as his                                                                                Beth Israel Deaconess Med-
        leadership skills will benefit the
        residents of the suburban town  ent communities in the nation,  during my childhood with bring-               ical Center/Harvard Medical
        in Illinois.                         Oakbrook’s adjacent neighbors  ing neighborhood kids together            School and has stayed on Har-
                                                                                                                      vard Faculty for more than a de-
            Dr. Reddy is among the six  include the communities of Vil- to play “gully cricket” and also              cade where he had also served
        candidates running to be Trust- la Park, Elmhurst, Lombard,  bringing people together in col-                 as Chief of Interventional Neu-
        ees for the three openings that  Oakbrook Terrace, Westches- lege to organize events, demon-                  roradiology.  Subsequently, Dr.
        are being contested on April 6,  ter, Westmont, Clarendon Hills,  strations, and educational tours.
        when the voters in the city will  Downers Grove, and Hinsdale.           Bringing opposing parties to the     Reddy and family moved to
        go to polls. Having a popula-           Dr. Reddy comes with im- table for resolving issues has al-           Chicago which has now become
        tion of nearly 10,000 people, the  mense experiences and proven  ways been my strong strength                 his home. “Now that I call Oak
                                                                                                                      Brook my home, I would like to
        city of Oak Brook is located 15  leadership. Dr. Reddy grew up  since my schooling days.”                     contribute and serve my com-
        miles west of the Chicago Loop  in the suburbs of Hyderabad                  Not being satisfied with his     munity by participating in pub-
        and  is served by a network of  in  Southern  India.  A  financial  achievements as a physician               lic service,” says Dr. Reddy.
        major  federal,  state, and  coun- conservator, Dr. Reddy always  and leader of the Diaspora Phy-
        ty roads including the Tri-State  had a passion for “uniting and  sicians group, Dr. Reddy says, “I              What motivates him to take
        Tollway system, the East-West  bringing people together.” Re- always had a strong passion for                 on yet another challenging role
        Tollway and the Eisenhower  calling his childhood, the dy- bringing a positive outlook and                    for the betterment of the com-
        Expressway.  One  of  the  afflu- namic leader says, “It all started  giving back to the community. I            Continued on next page... >>

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