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OPINION APRIL 02, 2021 | The Indian Eye 16
india’s changed approach to
Kashmir settlement
This change in Indian policy on a Kashmir settlement may not have adverse consequences in the next few years
because of India and Pakistan’s need to concentrate upon other compulsions, both internal and external
s. KalyanaraMan Bhutto “fooled” Gandhi at Sim-
ndia and Pakistan have taken The most recent effort, un-
some preliminary steps to- dertaken in the mid-2000s, to
Iwards the easing of tensions find a mutually acceptable solu-
and resumption of dialogue tion on a ‘status quo plus’ basis
during the last two months. In did not also bear fruit, although
early February, Pakistan’s Chief the top leadership on both sides
of Army Staff General Qamar did make a sincere effort in sub-
Javed Bajwa called for a resolu- tly altering established national
tion of the Kashmir issue in “a positions to bridge the gulf. In
dignified and peaceful manner essence, what Prime Minister
as per the people’s aspirations.” Manmohan Singh and Presi-
In response, the spokesperson dent Pervaiz Musharraf sought
of the Ministry of External Af- Since 1947, the state has been was to make the Line of Con-
fairs reiterated India’s desire to the focus of dispute between India and Pakistan (ANI) trol “irrelevant … just lines on a
have “normal neighbourly rela- map” so that people and goods
tions with Pakistan in an envi- towards a full-fledged dialogue, unacceptable to Pakistani lead- could move freely between the
ronment free of terror, hostility they should ideally pick up the ers, who have repeatedly sought, two sides.
and violence.” threads left off in 2007. both during negotiations as well That an agreement along
In late February, the Direc- A return to the framework as through war and support for these lines was largely worked
tors General of Military Opera- that drove the Manmohan insurgent and terrorist groups, out to mutual satisfaction was
tions of the two armies agreed Singh-Pervaiz Musharraf initia- to wrest some or all portions of revealed by Prime Minister
to renew the ceasefire along tive does not, however, appear Jammu and Kashmir from India. Manmohan Singh in May 2009
the Line of Control. March to be a tenable proposition any It was only in the immediate when he reportedly observed:
2021 saw Prime Minister Imran longer. Even if the Pakistan aftermath of the 1971 War that “General Musharraf and I had
Khan and General Bajwa call- Establishment, which had dis- a Pakistani leader was even will- nearly reached an agreement,
ing for peace and resumption of owned it after Musharraf’s de- ing, albeit tactically as it later a non-territorial solution to all
dialogue while emphasising the parture, were to be keen on re- proved, to consider a settlement problems, but then General
importance of India taking the viving that framework, India no along the territorial status quo. Musharraf got into many dif-
first step and creating a condu- longer views that formula with Convinced by P. N. Haksar’s ar- ficulties with the Chief Justice
cive environment especially in favour. Whereas successive In- gument about the possible ad- and other forces and therefore
Jammu and Kashmir. dian governments since the late verse consequences of impos- the whole process came to a
Analysts have, however, ex- 1940s favoured and pursued a ing a harsh peace on Pakistan, halt.” According to Sanjaya
pressed scepticism about the solution to the Kashmir issue Prime Minister Indira Gandhi Baru, a former Media Adviser
prospect of meaningful dialogue. along the existing territorial emphasised to President Zu- to the Prime Minister, Manmo-
Some have emphasised irrecon- status quo, the Narendra Modi lfiqar Ali Bhutto the merits han Singh was keen on renewing
cilable contradictions such as government has been consis- of such a settlement and the the process with Musharraf’s
India’s concerns on cross-bor- tently asserting India’s sover- transformation of the renamed successors – President Asif Ali
der terrorism and Pakistan’s on eign claims over Pakistan-oc- Line of Control into a de jure Zardari and Prime Minister
Kashmir. Others have highlight- cupied Jammu and Kashmir border at the 1972 Simla Con- Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani – even
ed the tactical nature of these (PoJK). ference. Bhutto conceded that in the aftermath of the terrorist
steps, driven by India’s focus on From 1948, India consistent- it was “the only feasible” solu- attacks in Mumbai in Novem-
the challenge along the China ly proposed that the Kashmir tion but expressed his inability ber 2008.
border and Pakistan’s on the issue be settled on the basis of to formalise such an agreement Even as India sought to
unfolding Afghan situation. At the extant status quo, albeit with at that juncture. Subsequent Pa- forge a settlement of the Kash-
the same time, there is an ex- minor territorial adjustments to kistani leaders disowned Bhu- mir issue along the territorial
pectation that, if the two coun- establish a rational border. Such tto’s admission however, with status quo, it did sporadically as-
tries were to take further steps a settlement has, however, been one former official crowing that Continued on next page... >>
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