Page 47 - The Indian EYE 040122
P. 47

SpORTS                                                                   APRIL 01, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 47

                 Virat Kohli trying to get into the zone  Suresh Raina will now do commentary in Hindi             Shubman Gill

        the upcoming edition of IPL and said   heroes in the commentary panel for   Former India cricketer, Suresh   chance to get selected for the World
        that he is really looking forward to   the  upcoming  season  of  the  Indian   Raina, part of the Hindi commentary   Cup and if I am able to do that then
        wearing ‘new colours’.            Premier League.                   panel, said, “After being part of the   I will be very happy,” Shubman Gill
            “I am really excited for the new   The 15th edition of the IPL will   IPL since its inception in 2008, I am   told ANI.
        season, especially for the new colours   feature  some  of  the  85  commenta-  excited to associate with the league in   The talented batter has played
        I am excited. I just got married and   tors across languages including En-  a new avatar, as part of the IPL Hin-  58  matches  in  the  Indian  Premier
        looking forward for a really good   glish, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada,   di commentary panel for Star Sports.   League after making his debut in this
        season. The new season is like a new   Marathi, Malayalam, Bengali, and   Over the years, the Hindi commen-  league in 2018 and this season he be-
        beginning for everyone. There is so   the newly added Gujarati feed. For-  tary has done an incredible job which   lieves that any team can win, includ-
        much positivity in our camp right   mer Indian men’s team head coach   has resulted in its popularity and I   ing his team.
        now and we have been practicing   Ravi Shastri is making a comeback to   am looking forward to being a part   “Definitely  all  the  ten  teams
        with such a positive mindset every   the commentary panel while Suresh   of this new journey with the start of   have the chance. We have as much
        day,” said Rahul.                 Raina, Piyush Chawla,  Dhawal     TATA IPL 2022 from March 26.”     chance to win the IPL as any other
            “I think the combinations     Kulkarni, and Harbhajan Singh are   GILL wants to do weLL tHIs      team or I think we would take the
        which  we  have  created  this  time,   all set to make their debut. A popu-                          IPL by storm because we have all
        will  be  really  helpful  for  us.  Cur-  lar personality in the IPL broadcast   season              the  boxes  ticked  this  year  and  our
        rently, Ness Wadia sir is also there   team, Mayanti Langer Binny too   Shubman Gill, who will be play-  team has  proper  batters,  fast  bowl-
        with us in our bubble and he has   makes a comeback after a gap of two   ing for Gujarat Titans in the IPL, is   ers, genuine all-rounders. So, I think
        been motivating us throughout     years.                            taking the upcoming season as an   the way our team has been built we
        to  perform  better,”  he  added.     To  bring  fans  closer  to  all  the   opportunity to make the cut into the   have ticked each and every box and it
            IPL  2022  will  start  from  Sat-  exhilarating action, IPL 2022 will   Indian team for the ICC T20 World   all boils down to how well we play on
        urday with Kolkata Knight Riders   be telecasted across nine languages.   Cup  2022  in  Australia.  Gill,  who   the field. So, the more we spend time
        (KKR) and Chennai Super Kings     The inclusion of Gujarat Titans this   has  previously  played  for  Kolkata   with our team the better it will be,”
        (CSK) squaring off in the first clash.   season has seen the introduction of a   Knight Riders in the Indian Premier   said Shubman Gill while speaking to
        PBKS will be facing Royal Challeng-  new Gujarati feed for the fans as part   League, is now looking to don the   ANI.
        ers Bangalore (RCB) in their open-  of the overall offering. An immensely   jersey of the Men in Blue for the ICC   After playing in the IPL under
        ing game on Sunday.               popular voice on the radio, Dhavnit   T20 World Cup 2022.           the leadership of Dinesh Karthik
                                                                                “The player who will do well in
           suresH raIna to make           Thaker, who also is a Gujarati actor   the IPL will have a great chance to   and 2019 ICC World Cup winning
                                          and singer, will team up with Nayan
                                                                                                              captain Eoin Morgan the Punjab lad
             Commentary deBut             Mongia and Manprit Juneja among   make it to the T20 World Cup. I am   will be playing under the captaincy of
            Suresh Raina will lead the pa-  others in the Gujarati commentary   also looking forward to if I do well   Hardik Pandya who is leading an IPL
        rade of glittering stars and cricketing   team.                     in this IPL then I will even have a   side for the first time.

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