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NATION                                                                     MARCH 26, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          10

                    modi’s roadshow in Dhaka

                      with eye on China, India

                                        woos Bangladesh

                Politicians and celebrities takes Covid-19 shots as vaccination

                                                drives picks speed across India

                                                                                                                      year of liberation from Pakistan
        Our Bureau
                                                                                                                      and the centenary year of its
        Dhaka                                                                                                         founder Sheikh Mujibur Reh-

               rime Minister Narendra                                                                                 man, the father of Bangladesh
                                                                                                                      prime minister Sheikh Hasina.
               Modi on Friday handed                                                                                      The Prime Minister stated
        Pover  the  Gandhi  Peace                                                                                     that one of the first movements
        Prize 2020 to Bangladesh’s Fa-
        ther of Nation Sheikh Mujibur                                                                                 of his life was to join the struggle
        Rehman’s younger daughter.                                                                                    for the independence of Ban-
                                                                                                                      gladesh. “I must have been 20-
            “It is a matter of pride for                                                                              22 years old when I and many
        Indians that we got the oppor-                                                                                of my colleagues had done Sa-
        tunity to honor Sheikh Mujibur                                                                                tyagraha for the freedom of the
        Rahman with Gandhi Peace
        Prize,” said the Prime Minister                                                                               people of Bangladesh. I even
        Modi during his address at the                                                                                had the opportunity to go to jail
        National Day programme in                                                                                     during this satyagraha for Ban-
                                                                                                                      gladesh’s struggle for freedom,”
        Dhaka. PM Modi was seen in                                                                                    PM Modi said.
        a dark colored ‘Mujib Jacket’                                                                                     Bangladesh has historical,
        as he paid tribute to Bangan-                                                                                 social and cultural ties with
        adhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
        during the programme.                                                                                         India and New Delhi has be-
                                                                                                                      come one of the best develop-
                                                                                                                      ment partners, Prime Minister
        “on behalf of all Indians,                                                                                    Sheikh Hasina said on Friday.
        I extend my heartiest con-                                                                                    Addressing  the National  Day
                                                                                                                      programme to mark the 50
        gratulations to all of you,                                                                                   years of the country’s indepen-

        all the citizens of bangla-                                                                                   dence, the Bangladesh Prime
                                                                                                                      Minister said people of her
        desh. I pay tribute to ban-                                                                                   country always remember In-

        gobandhu  sheikh  mujibur                                                                                     dia’s contribution to the coun-
                                                                                                                      try’s liberation in the 1971 war.
        rohman ji who sacrificed                                                                                      She thanked Prime Minister

        his life for bangladesh and                                                                                   Narendra Modi for attending
                                                                                                                      the National Day programme.
        its people,” he said.                                                                                             “India is not only our next-
                                                                                                                      door neighbor, we have histor-
            The prime minister had ear-                                                                               ical, social, cultural ties. The
        lier met the ‘Muktijuddhso’ or                                                                                people and Government of In-
        those  who  fought  in  the  1971                                                                             dia were immensely involved in
        Bangladesh Liberation war.                                                                                    the  evolution  process  of  Ban-
        The Prime Minister was on a                                                                                   gladesh during our liberation
        two-day visit to Bangladesh               Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the National Day programme of       war in 1971,” she said.
        from Friday to attend the cel-                      Bangladesh in Dhaka on Friday. (ANI Photo)
        ebration of Bangladesh’s 50th                                                                                    Continued on next page... >>

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